Germinating seeds in water.
19.04.20 - Planted the Dos si Dos 33, OG kush autos and Diesel Drift.
21.04.20 - Planted one of the Jack Herer seeds. Had a nice tap root going. The 2 others did not crack yet.
2 of the Dos si Dos 33's poped out from the earth and are looking good so far. I'm beginning to really like this strain all ready.
The Diesel Drift popped as well. Still really small. Not much to say here.
Weather been a bit shitty last 2 days but trying to keep the propagator in the sun as much as possible.
Do si dos 33 seeds all cracked and have about a 1mm long tap root.
Some of the OG kush seeds cracked as well. Very small tap root.
Nothing yet on the rest.
Water temp is 22-23c.
First week. Germinating seeds in water.
Will be using bio-biz light mix and all mix. Bio-biz fish-mix, root-juice, grow, bloom, acti-vera and top-max.
Will take some cuttings from Jack Herer and Dos Si dos 33. Might do some from the autos as well.