this week has been something else to say the least! so i run into real estate problems and had to move the girl inside, once i got her inside i realized how bad the spidermite problem really was. it was in my grow tent for a week and in that time infected the rest of my plants indoors. i am fortunate that all of my plants are still in veg stage, i am able to use neem oil ( it is more readily available than ladybugs) so hopefully that gets rid of these bastards. I moved her back outside out in the woods so maybe some ladybugs will naturally move to her. there is plenty of food there between the mites and all the little eggs i can see as well. So now that she is back outside her harvest date will prolly be around october. This may only be the 4th week update but its a clone ( 3 month old from time it rooted so pretty much a plant) and now I have had it for a month. as long as the days stay long and the nights stay short it will stay vegging. This information is why i believe i can get a pound dry off of this plant.
If anybody has any tips or suggestions i am all ears. We are all in this journey together.