I've powered on the 36W LED strip lights at this point. I'll be topping at the fourth node and remove all growth from the second node in a few days.
She's been growing nicely over the last few days, the manifold is evenly spread out, giving it the structural strength needed to support multiple colas.
I'll be maintaining an even canopy for the rest of the grow, and flip to flower once she grows to 10-12 inches.
Lookin' good buddy! I'm currently running my first mainline with 2 lemon amnesia 's ,, which are pretty bang on par with your girl atm. How many times did you top?
@Dusty_fins, thanks man! I mainlined at the 2nd node, and snipped off the second and fourth nodes, leaving me with 8 colas. Best of luck with the Lemon Amnesias :)