The new growth appears to be a little healthier this week but also continues to curl down pretty heavily after coming in. The growth size is still relatively small. Still sprayed again with neem because during this week I became more convinced that it was pests. Plant has been given nothing but rainwater since transplant so there has been very little pH fluctuation. Put dichotomous earth down on 6/18/20.
Watered with rain water on 6/13/20 and again on 6/18/20.
For the record, this diary is be updated from many week into the future. I continued to document the downfall and will slowly beginning to update the weeks but, I stopped journaling it because I truly did not think anything would come from the plants. I mean the downfall gets REALLY bad over the coming weeks while I search for any and every answer. We are now a month off into the future and they are just now starting to make a comeback which is why I decided to revisit. I think many will enjoy seeing not only the downfall but the absolute comeback.