Curious how it’s going? I have some a Ethos pheno hunts going on, including Banana Hammock. I’m 20 days into flower and they smell absolutely amazing. Some BH’s are so sweet smelling, almost like a overripe banana/honey smell. My other Ethos pheno hunts are Crescendo, Candy Store(smells literally like sweet candy), Purple Majick and Glue(not the best genetics for for a high ratio of quality plants, per seed). Out of the 6 glues I’d planted only one was a strong grower and didn’t have what I feel are genetic issues. You’d have to drop a lot of glue beans to find a pheno that’s a keeper, let alone grows normally without issues.
I have some amazing smelling phenos. Just hope final product is as good as it smells.
Excited to see your results along with the smells and tastes! Look good man!
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