June 12, 2020
Week 7
I added some manure to all the pots.
2 of the plants aren’t growing much so Im leaving them to grow, and see what happens.
Plants were a bit too wet from previous thunderstorms, now waiting for them to dry out so I can try and bring their ph down.
Thank you and happy grow🌱
June 14, 2020
Plants started to dry out so we added ph down water and authentik Veg nutrients 4-3-2 by nutri+. Ph’s mix equivalence was around 5.8 So we brought the ph up to +/- 6.4
For ph Up we used sodium bicarbonate(baking soda).
And used 1 litre of water per pot.
Thanks happy grow!!!
No trasplantes, a partir de la floración no toques las plantas porque provocarías un bloqueo y la producción se reducirá mucho. Los trasplantes sólo deben hacerse en la etapa vegetativa. Saludos
Hello brother. Thank you for your time. Harvest. You raised beautiful and fat girls with principled stems. I thought I had the fastest harvest in Iran, but you harvested sooner! You use.
Happy New Year Cigarettes🥇💓