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My Second grow: RQS Royal Dwarf Auto

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
4 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
60 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
1 cm
17 hrs
24 °C
55 %
24 °C
24 °C
20 °C
60 L
25 L
Nutrients 1
Substral Universal: NPK 7-3-5 7 mll
I've decided to do another grow. I have three pots with three different strains and as always I'm curious how it will go. I've learned a lot during my first grow and hope that this will be better. The weather previous weel was nice and warm. But the coming week it will rain every day, but temperatures should still be ok. The seed was bought about 4 months ago and was kept in an airtight container somewhere in the back of my fridge. The seed has been planted one week ago. Something has sprouted but the leaves are dark. Hope it'll be okay! Thing I have done different from my previous grow: - I'm using regular soil as previous, but the top layer is soil which (according to the package) should improve sprouting and young plant capabilities. - I've started using some nutrients from the moment it sprouted. However the ammount of nutrients and water I have to give is still done based on gut feeling. Rough estimations will be in the diary description as always. - The plant will always be either in the veranda or outside depending on the weather. Resulting in the plant to have much more light. - It's awkward for me to keep refering to "the plant" in my diaries, so I'll try naming the plant. This one will be Bob. See you next week!
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
3 cm
17 hrs
24 °C
55 %
24 °C
24 °C
20 °C
60 L
25 L
Nutrients 1
Substral Universal: NPK 7-3-5 5 mll
I'm worried a bit about Bob. As you can see from the pictures from last week. There was a brown film over the leaves/leaf. I've removed this about 5 days ago by hand by trying to slide it up gently. When this film was removed there was only one very small leaf underneath. Since then Bob has grown some very small beginnings of leaves. But I'm worried if it wil notl be enough to recover to a decent plant. The weather was nice this week! He was outside every day. I'm still taking him inside the veranda during the night because I'mscared of bugs/cats harming him. Although I'm not checking on him when he's outside during the day either. Ha has been in the rain one day this week. It didn't click in my head that it was raining and I had to take him inside. But I don't think it can do any harm at the vegetation stage. Nothing else to report. See you next week!
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Grow Questions
Fetanqstarted grow question 5 years ago
When sprouting there was a brown film over the leaf. This has been removed manually. Since then he has grown some small beginnings of leaves. But I'm worried if he can recover from this, Can he recover from this and are there any special things I can do to help?
Plant. Other
Loulou84answered grow question 5 years ago
I'm a newbie so probably not much help but My first attempt ended up like this and it didn't make it. Probably more than one mistake if I'm honest. Maybe she wasn't buried deep enough. There is a membrane that covers the inside of the seed and sometimes it remains when the shell falls off. Looks like you've done a good job in removing it. Give it a few days and she'll recover. Yours looks healthier than mine did at that point. My second attempt is going well given my lack of knowledge. Good luck with the grow. 👍🏻
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
3 cm
17 hrs
28 °C
55 %
20 °C
28 °C
24 °C
60 L
25 L
Nutrients 1
Substral Universal: NPK 7-3-5 5 mll
Another good week has passed. The weather was super hot last week. Every day was 25+ degrees, with some days around 30 degrees. The plant was outside every day, I'm giving it plenty of water and nutrients. Usually in the evenings when the sun has set. Haven't noticed any problems with bugs or anything yet. I am a bit worries about this one though. Although it is growing. It's not doing well. The leaves are all crumbled and small. It's still growing though. So I guess as long as it's making progress it'll be allright. See you next week!
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
3 cm
17 hrs
28 °C
55 %
20 °C
28 °C
24 °C
60 L
25 L
Nutrients 1
Substral Universal: NPK 7-3-5 5 mll
I was on holiday for three weeks. See the report of w4 and w5 in the report of w6
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Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
3 cm
17 hrs
28 °C
55 %
20 °C
28 °C
24 °C
60 L
25 L
Nutrients 1
Substral Universal: NPK 7-3-5 5 mll
I was on holiday for three weeks. See the report of w4 and w5 in the report of w6
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Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
23 cm
17 hrs
28 °C
55 %
20 °C
28 °C
24 °C
60 L
25 L
Allright! So I'm back from a three week holiday. Bob stayed at home. I've tried top put him in a strategic place outside underneath my carport with the intention that it is able to catch as much sun as possible while still being covered from the rain. The rain usually comes from the west so I've put him on the south-eastern side of the carport about 30cm from the edge allowing him to catch the morning and midday sun while being mostly covered from the rain. My grandmother in law came by every few days to water all plants inside and outside the house. I didn't make it too complicated for her and just said "If this guy is dry, give him water. If he's wet, don't give him water. If he's moist, give him a bit of water" and didn't bother with nutrients. The weather these past three weeks were off and on, but mostly sunny and warm with one week of cloudy weather and some rain here and there. I was pleasently surprised when I got home. Bob grew very nice! From 3 to 23cm in three weeks. I did a thorough inspection and gave some nutrients, but that's all I had to do. I'm also happy the new leaves at the top look normal. The leaved at the bottom are misformed due to the difficult sprouting. But this is a sign of nice recovery! I didn't notice any bugs or sign of disease. It is going to take a longer time than usual to flower obviously but that's totally fine! Bob will also stay outside during the nights from now on. The carport is not an option since my car is there, but I have a doghouse with one open side where I will put him with the same idea as underneath the carport during my holiday. I am going to keep a close eye the following days since he has been alone for three weeks. See you next week!
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
32 cm
17 hrs
28 °C
55 %
20 °C
28 °C
24 °C
60 L
25 L
Nutrients 2
Substral Universal: NPK 7-3-5 3 mll
Substral Flowering: NPK 5-3-7 3 mll
Allright, another week has passed. It wasn't a bad one. The weather was nice. A few days of clouds and some rain here and there, but overall it was nice. I assume it has started its stretch phase since it is starting to grow in size! Even though it does not seem like there any bugs on this one, I've also sprayed some neem oil on this one since all plants are very close to eachother and cross comtamination could happen. The leaves look very nice! I am very happy to see that the plant is growing good looking leaves at the top. I've also moved all plants to a makeshift greenhouse on the lawn. Pictures will follow next week. They've always been on my driveway, but the downside to that is that I have to move them to shelter every time there is some forcast of rain. And afterwards move them back on the driveway to give it the maximum ammount of sun. With this greenhouse I can just let them sit there and don't care if it will rain or not since they will be sheltered from rain, but will also catch lots of sun! The only thing I am havong doubts is that the greenhouse of on my lawn and it will be even more prone to bugs. I've sprayed the floor of the greenhouse with neem oil aswell. Maybe that will help. We shall see. Until next week!
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
43 cm
17 hrs
28 °C
55 %
20 °C
28 °C
24 °C
60 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Substral Universal: NPK 7-3-5 2 mll
Substral Flowering: NPK 5-3-7 4 mll
Another week has passed. It was a good week. Lots of sun, and imo too much heat. The plant has grown another 11cm! It might stop growing now since it has grown nicely the last couple of weeks and it has started growing hairs aswell. But we shall see I am giving it more water this week because of the hot weather. I have slowly switched to flowering nutrients of which I have not noticed yet if they are better or not. I guess so since people recommended it to me more than once in my other diaries. This plant is always nice to inspect since there is nothing to report here. I couldn't find a single thing which would worry me. Way to go! I am still weary for bugs because the greenhouse is in my lawn, and there are many small lifeforms in my lawn. But up until now no problems. The shitty greenhouse was a nice idea. It saved me from moving the plant in and out of shelter every time there was a slight forecast of rain. Plus there are no weed plants in my driveway anymore which is nice for the view and you could see a hint of the plants every time you walked by my house and looked up the driveway. The thing I still do when there is a forcast of rain is slide all the plants to the left of the greenhouse and close the left flap. The right always stays open for ventilation. Since the rain at my home never comes from the right side it is fully sheltered by only the left flap. It is a bit warmer in there than outside. This is generally not a problem, but there are a few hot days coming up (mid 30s). But I assume the plant will manage.
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
54 cm
17 hrs
33 °C
55 %
20 °C
35 °C
24 °C
60 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Substral Universal: NPK 7-3-5 1 mll
Substral Flowering: NPK 5-3-7 4 mll
It was a hot week last week. And according to the weather reports, it will stay that way until the end of next week. I've tried to keep the plants in the greenhouse (because it has good ventilation) but have moved them out of the greenhouse into the shade because the plants are suffering from the heat. The plant just keeps on growing. It has grown about 11cm last week! I'm giving the plant extra water in these hot days. And a bit less nutes because of the nutrient burn on my Royal Critical which I'm growing in parallel. I'm planning to ramp it up slowly, but not giving as much as before. No bugs found during my inspection (yay!) Some leaves are starting to show sunburn. But all in all they're looking good. The flowers aswell, although you can see some sunburn in the top most flower of the plant. The plant is also becoming frosty here and there. Which is strange to me since it has grown so much last week. But I guess that's normal. The plant will stay in the shade behind my house for a couple more days. This protects them from the burning sun from the midday, but will catch some nice rays in the evening. I have to hold some wood while saying this. But I'm glad the bug problem is fixed as far as I can see. The pesticide and neem oil has done its job. I've also sprayed neem oil into the greenhouse before putting the plant in there to persuade any bugs in there to leave. See you next week!
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Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
54 cm
17 hrs
33 °C
55 %
20 °C
35 °C
24 °C
60 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Substral Flowering: NPK 5-3-7 2 mll
Last weel was very hot, It cooled down a little (about 30 degrees) in the weekend with some sporadic rain. I've not put the plant into the greenhouse this week aswell due to the heat. I'll put it back in when temperatures go around 25. Which should be next week. The plant is still under the carport due to a constant chance of light drizzle. It seldom does drizzle and when it does it's only for a couple of minutes, but I'm not taking any chances. The plant is doing great! No bugs found during inspection. I've given it no nutrients in the beginning of the week, and started lightly with some nutrients later in the week because my other plants suffered from nutrient burn. But this plant is going like a champ! The smell is starting to come up slightly. But not as strong that you can smell it when you;re standing next to it. Not much news this week. No news is good news is what grandfather always says. See you next week!
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Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
54 cm
17 hrs
33 °C
55 %
20 °C
35 °C
24 °C
60 L
1 L
Another week has passed. It was a quiet one. The weather was more comfortable than the week before. Temperatures around 26 degrees, and rain here and there. There was lots of wind last week though. Causing the plant to become a bit crooked. But nothing serious. I've put this guy back into the greenhouse since the weather is not too hot anymore. This one is starting to show very slight damage of which I assume is also nutrient burn. Nothing to worry about, but I'm keeping an eye on it hoping it won't become worse. As the other ones, I haven't given him any nutrients this week. Don't know when I will start giving him nutrients again. Maybe next week. We'll see how it evolves. I'm thinking somewhere mid/end this week. But we'll see. I have found some leaf miners during inspection. I've pinched the leaves hard hoping to crush the miner (I've read it somewhere). If that doesn't help I'll have to remove the infected leaves. But no other bugs. Weather forcast for next week is about 20 degrees with lots of clouds and rain. Very good for my lawn as you can see from the pictures. But not good for the plant. The smell coming from this guy is nice. I'm curious how it will taste! See you next week!
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Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
54 cm
17 hrs
22 °C
55 %
20 °C
35 °C
24 °C
60 L
1 L
Another week has passed! The weather was temperature-wise not bad. Around 22 degrees during the day and 15-ish at night. However it rained a lot last week. Causing the humidity to be very high. During one of the rain showers the rain came from a direction from which it usually never comes and rained on one of the stems. It didn't rain hard, but it was wet when I came back hom. But no visible damage The plant is doing well. It doesn't have more damage as a cause of the nutrient burn in the past which is good. I haven't given him any nutrients last week. And will start slowly giving nutrients starting today. No bugs have been found during inspection. The top flower is looking good. Hairs are starting to become brown. The flowers on the side are far from ready. See you next week!
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Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
54 cm
17 hrs
20 °C
55 %
16 °C
20 °C
16 °C
60 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Substral Flowering: NPK 5-3-7 1 mll
Another week has passed. The weather was shit. Temperatures around 18-20 degrees during the day. Hardly any sun. Lots of rain and humidity. No bugs found during inspection. However I do notice some leaves are eaten by snails. I never see any of the fuckers, but there is some "glazing" on the leaves here and there and some leaves look like they have been eaten. It seems this problem is only in the greenhouse though. Since the other greenhouse plant has the same snail issue, but the outside one doesn't. In general the plant is looking good. Some leaves are starting to become light green and show some brown spots, but nothing to worry about I'm not really feeding him anymore since I will be harvesting shortly. I'm also watering him way less due to the weather Nothing much to report. See you next week!
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Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
54 cm
17 hrs
20 °C
55 %
16 °C
20 °C
16 °C
60 L
1 L
Another week has passed. The weather was still shit, but less so. Temperatures stayed the same (about 19 during the day). Hardly any sun. Rain here and there. Next week will be better. With temperatures around 24-25 degrees and lots of sun. The plant is doing well! No bugs found during instpection. I noticed just this morning that the morning dew is hitting hard these days. I leave him on the lawn when there is no rain forcast for the night. When I went outside this morning to retrieve the newspaper I noticed the plant was completely wet from the morning dew. It is comp[letely dried up as soon as the sun reaches the plant. But I will keep him under the carport at night hoping the morning dew isn't as hard there. I stopped giving this guy nutrients to flush him out. Harvest will be somewhere in the following week. So the next week update will be a harvest one. See you next week!
Week 14. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Growing this strain was nice. The plant was very healthy all around. As expected, the plant wasn't as big as what I'm used of from other plants which is nice. I am happy with the amount of harvest. I had to throw away a bit due to bud rot. But overall nice..
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Spent 99 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
60 g
Bud wet weight per plant

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
The weather a week before harvest was so-so. I've noticed bud rot in the middle of the week and harvested the next day. No problems with bugs whatsoever during harvest. Everything went smooth. The smell during harvest was also nice. The amount of harvest was nice in my opinion. Less than the other plants I have, but that is probably due to this being a strain that doesn't grow very high. I had to throw away some buds due to rot. Not too much. Maybe about 20% total. There were also stems with very small amount of flower which I didn't harvest and just threw away. I haven't tested this guy out yet. Will wait until after curing and will edit this diary afterwards.
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Ferenccommentedweek 134 years ago
Nice plant man @Fetanq
CheckThoseTrichscommentedweek 115 years ago
Looking healthy so far! Keep it up
Onandoncommentedweek 105 years ago
Looking good 👍🏻 The plant has such a different look to mine.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 144 years ago
You rock that Royal Dwarf, BELIVE THAT!!!
the end.
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