Canopy is looking really good have her filled right out and even👍💪
It looks like the start of calcium deficiency to me.......your image from week 1. Are your leaves doing better now?
Keep her are doing well.......strong genetics from Sweet Seeds so hopefully you are working through it.....cheers😀
@PrairieFrostGrow, thank you for the comment! Yes, leaves are feeling better now, I think you're right about deficiency. Check out my new week report 😀
Everything looks on point.....keep her going! Environment seems great according to your numbers. She really shot up on you this week!!
I love the supplemental's you added to your feed routine. Bud candy is a good sweetener and has a few different sugars in it. B52 is going to give you the B vitamins and some kelp to grow and strengthen her stocks. Overdrive works very well to swell her buds and bring her home.....Overdrive is one of the best items in the AN line up......IMHO👍
Look forward to the week ahead......good luck with everything Growmie!!!