Plain water only, the plant on the left seems to be flowering faster due to excess nutrients, some burns here and there and she didn't bounce back like the plant on the right after last defoliation two weeks ago. Plant on the right looks fuller and bigger, but less developed flowers by just couple of days. Both are clones from the same mother.
@@decam, definitely a very good choice and you won't be disappointed. Try and pop multiples to find that special pheno, they are very female stable, no hermies whatsoever.
@Luisdabs, lieben Dank für deine präzisierte Antwort. Genau das wollte ich wissen, Geschmack, Geruch und die Kombination mit dem Cheesecake. Ich werde diesen strain beim nächsten grow auf jeden Fall mit einplanen 😀
@@decam, it definitely smells like blueberries when growing, the cheese comes in more noticeable in the cure. Still trying to master this strain, just popped 4 more seeds for pheno hunting and will compare to this pheno. What got me into growing was tasting the real deal of blueberry cheesecake and just couldn't believe the flavour and the smell, so the perfect pheno is definitely there.