Sweet Trainwreck Auto is very potent-smelling, it absolutely stinks. A citrus smell is up front. When I open a jar it immediately fills the room and smells like I've stumbled on a secret ganja patch in the middle of an orange farm, it is overpowering and unmistakably incriminating. The taste is smooth but very strong, sweet and almost tangy with citrus, and a mild earthyness like hash afterwards. It's very very nice.
I find it very potent in sativa-like effects and I find it more of an energy-giver than energy-taker. I soon feel my mind start to gently accelerate and this can be great for focusing on a task if I harness it, or just pottering about. It also has a nice buzz to it too, so if I want to I can just lay back and relax. It seems to put me in a great mood, very uplifting. It has been a long time since I was giggly from toking but this stuff has had me smiling.