growdoctordccommentedweek 65 years ago
“ ... I wonder that they will take the sun from the other buds on the canopy. “
Never worry about this extremely commonly held incorrect belief.
Defo helps veg growth and inhibits mold, and is important. Once in flower a plant shares its resources for ALL the flowers to prosper.
Buds, meaning the stacking of calyx atop one other, are not photosensitive- they absorb and consume and utilize light at a fraction of the rate leaves do. Read that again. I’ll wait right here ...
Buds do not use and therefore don’t need direct light. Bubble burst, I know. But it’s true.
Defo dead or dying leaves during flower. Defo thick veg growth that could contribute to mold.
Then get out of the way and let your plants finish in as low RH as you can create.
Enjoy your harvest
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