So with the Bubba Kush Auto done it's time to try a photo-period. Wanted to do a classic strain so i decided on Northern Lights by Sensi Seeds. Bought a 5 pack of Northern Lights and got a freebie seed with it. So i decided to go with the freebie. I've never seen such a vigorous germination before. She popped right out of the shell on day 3. Planting her above ground was another first for me. She is very eager to grow, high expectations with this one.
Decided to ditch Advanced Nutrients for the foreseeable future and try a granulated fertilizer. It is called Plant Prod MJ and is made up of 4 different formulas for the different stages of growth. I'll will be monitoring EC along with the PH as usual.
Good luck with the grow. I'm on week 10 of my first grow with two sensi-seeds northern lights feminized, and the plants are doing really well.
I hope yours do the business also.