20-8 Still putting most efforts into topping and she is responding well to the alterations. She is ready to blowup. The stock is thickening but she is not gaining to much height. That will change in a week. The temp has cooled somewhat so the reservoir si cooling nicely with the fan on it.😎
23-8 Started doing some washer training this week and she is responding nicely-Washer training is similar to LST but i move the washers around the plant. I know it sounds redneck but it works. Kinda training to hold weight. Like Big Buds lol I call it WET or Weight- Equipoise-Training💪😎
@BudXs, Sounds like @Budxs needs to spark it up and soak up some of that excessive drools he produces Be lucky if you could form a spit after the first toke lol.😎