I had to go out of town this week and the plants just got bigger. Really needed to flower them.
Was able to finish enough of the new room and system to get the largest plants into flower. This will be some gawd awful stretch. LOL
I built a RDWC system that hold about 16 gallons. The plants are drinking about 1-2 gallons a day and are beginning to preflower.
These are regular seeds so I am waiting for them to show me what they are.
Honestly i feel moving a pollinating male outside to finish flowering is rude to ur neighbors just food for thought dont ruin ur friends ceops with seeds also man thats gonna be alot of pollen even inside ur girls are gonna get it probably from sticking to your clothes or whatever. If u want the pollen for reproduction id most deft bag it fully with a hefty soon as one opens and collect by cutting down while in plastic bag then u also know exactky what pollen is what cuz reg seeds are the best