Unusually hot for several days in the high 80s, nights in the 60s low humidity. But last night the coastal fog came in and drenched everything like it rained 90% rh.
Foggy cool. The weather says it’s gonna warm up today 11 AM or so, my early morning walk through today looking for bits of mold. It’s not bad thankfully the warm weather killed a lot of the stuff that was starting but it’s back. And the next 10 days I’m going to have high humidity. With sun part of the day. Getting ready for a second application of bloom nutes and made a fresh batch of guano tea. The buds are starting to swell nicely, and dense up. The smell is amazing from 100’ away it smells like a candy store on the boardwalk. Still hoping some color will start to develop, thinking I got 10 more days before I harvest this strain.
I will say this particular strain seems to like being small my bigger plants yes have more bud side but the bud is fluffy still and I picked off several branches contaminated with mold I did an experiment With a handful of plants that were well rooted cuttings I Tested a sea of green outdoor idea I have been kicking around and while the plants Are small the buds look amazing Like they are several weeks ahead of the bigger older plants and I haven’t found any mold on the small plants. I’m definitely going to run a larger scale experiment next year using the same pot putting as many as 10 or 15 plants seeing if yield/quality/speed is the same as one big plant.
Thanks for sharing a new diary with one of our strains.
We hope you enjoy it :P
Once finished, with the final notes of the strains, you can ask us for more seeds to share another diary.
Sweet smokes!
Thanks for all your hard work making beans for us to grow. Anytime you want to send me beans I’ll keep a record of it here. I’m trying to find a crazy color Pheno so if you take requests lol
Damn bro those are looking good. Give them a few weeks and they're going to be bright purple. You won't believe how she finishes. Always under 6 weeks for me.