Hello guys we are in a 2nd week 👍🏻...like i tell you before i make a "fusion" of the two in a pot 🤣 i hope she survive with the stress i make, because i remove some piece of corte and more so they can exchange linfa each other 🤔 in any case we can see if this experiment is possible and what is the results, i use a cellulose tape to bend this girls thight and to prevent infection... The little one keep on growing more this days and she's beauty 😉 and haven't any problem, The soil maintaine humidity so i don't water today, after i have some news i post new pictures and info, see you soon and stay connected 🤙🏻
Day 9: Hello guys i need to post some pics to make you see update for My "fusion", The two in a pot now have a name "gemini" 🤣 so you can see my "gemini" with close look 😉 after 24h she stay good and we haven't any leaf going down 🤔 she's alive for now 👍🏻 but all day i take to you the update... The little one is very bushy!! And have a good structure, short internode and healthy, afte some other internode i make topping for her and start LST 🤙🏻
Day 11: Hello guys 😀 we have some news so i post an update 👍🏻 the gemini stay alive even after mi cutting, i don't know if she fused together but I'm sure grow more so the "hope" i have for her two to stay alive is reality 🤣 after a one or two week i see if she fused removing the tape, is she doesnt i think i need to Support her two with bending or i make some other decision (like use for make clone 😉 because she really strong like hulk!!) the lonely girl in a pot make another node and grow more big 👍🏻when she reach 6 o 7 internode i topping and bend with some lst 🤙🏻