Cuttings spent 30 days in the ez cloner. I used a different cloner recipe and was thrilled with the results. Transplanted everything over to 2 Gallon pots and cleaned them up a bit. This run we’ll be doing 32 plants on a 4x8 tray. 1 sq ft per plant, Co2 enriched,
and covered by two new 660x phasers!! Cleaning my floraflex manifolds now, 4x8 table will be here in two days, and phasers early next week. For now we’ll initiate Veg day 1 hand watered under the old spider farmers!
Nice clean and organized set up you have there. I wish you continued success. Good luck but I know ya won’t need it.
To your question at the end of this weeks comments...
I recommend no stripping or defol past day 21 of flower. I do day 1 and day 20 heavy defol. I clean up under my screen at the same time, but I’m careful not to go overboard and cause too much stress. I target older bigger fan leaves. I see immediate explosive growth from the other smaller fan leaves and before you know it my canopy is 2x as full as it was even though I just removed a ton of foliage a few days prior.
You’re already thinking this way about over stress which is excellent. Many growers have never been into defol and have great success - to each their own. It works for me under my quantum boards.
Good luck