I moved her into a new 15L pot (from a 4L pot) and she seems to be expanding sprawling out quite comfortably and quickly. She smells good! (or am I confusing the smell with the few other nearby plants? not sure...). It's like she finally figured out what she is supposed to do on earth. I suppose the bigger pot helps... the way she grew up was in 4 nearly equal branches, so I just pulled them apart and tied them down. I also got rid of some of the bigger fan leaves that were covering the interior buds sites. I also trimmed any of the bud sites and leaves at the first couple nodes (they were all a little confused, sort of mutant-like). Now it seems that the growth is more directed and efficient.
Mano, tenho uma dúvida> Tu só está cultivando elas ou tem junto alguma auto? Pergunto porque as minhas começaram a florir junto com as auto e sinceramente isso me frustou muito
@cultivando_a_cura, sim, essa está com mais 4 plantas na mesma estufa. todas são autos. vc tem feminizada e auto junto? ou mudou o horario de luz para 12/12/?