transplanted during the dark period, worked well, plant is accelerating in growth rapidly.
I'm experimenting with a 12' self watering pot.
Prepared the soil carefully and soaked with a guano/kelp mix a few days before.
Prepared the hole carefully and laced it with root powder.
I used diatomaceous earth on the soil, once the kelp/guano is exposed to light and warmth, it comes alive.
I devised a new technique for transplanting from a paper cup. First cut the cup on the side and kept it firm with sellotape. (wet soil naturally). I cut out thebottom holdingit overthe hole,placed the cup in the hole cut the tape and slid out the cup, it worked beautifully.
Into the 4th week and the plant is going beserk, currently, I'm only watering around the dome, so as not to overwater the roots.