Again with Ph burn. Switched to reservoir tub for topping off Ph, and cal-mag adjusted water. No more Ph burn. 12 gal is easier to keep Ph steady, vs 3 Gal trying to keep stable.
Growing kicked back on.
Again with Ph burn. Switched to reservoir tub for topping off Ph, and cal-mag adjusted water. No more Ph burn. 12 gal is easier to keep Ph steady, vs 3 Gal trying to keep stable.
Rough week. Ph burn, air stone wasn't on its game. Showing signs of Nitrogen toxicity, slightly but not to bad, tips are down turned on all leaves. Cal-mag, and grow nutes both have nitrogen, RO water must have high levels of minerals, RO filters are old asf. Ordered new RO filters and membrane. Roots look nice and white, some what changed to a darker clump after feeding full nutes? Will watch for root rot and such