Objectives :
-Better wire management to seal better the box.
-Put a massive air-outake and totaly isolate it & use a passive intake.
-Transfer PC fans (actual intake) as fan (blenders?).
-If have some time starting the dev kit.
-As not watering everyday will try to say when.
Hope roots doing weel and expands well๐
Day 15 :When editing (to fix weeks) just failed and deleted all day 14(last day of week1) photos :(
As my 1st auto if any experienced auto grower can check this out !
Day 16 :Watered, difference looks huge, the burst was begun ? Going wider and not taller, still 8cm tall but 12 wide. Don't worry about small brown spot on leafs it's just some coco, fan will blow this out.
Day 17:Nothing done.
Day 18 :Watered.
Day 19 :Nothing done, grows well.
Day 20 :Watered
Day 21 :Watered for the last day of the week.
Will add boost for next watering, and start some LST.
Did nothing as planned but was expected๐, baby looks well. Get almost all materials needed to start the optimization.
@DreamIT, Firsts pistils are here, it's just my macro mode sucks really hard so you can't see them :( Will do one with my smartphone will be nicer. Will upload it asap. Don't really blooming yet but flow clearly started๐
Looking like my Auto Speed Bud (the outdoor one), this strain is a slow grower though. Other autos I've done haven't been this same by week 4 in my case.