Stepping up a bit now, I'll add some pics of the bud sights starting to crash into each other tomorrow. Not kept the main tops as even as I'd have liked but it's only a variation of 1-1.5 inch from highest to lowest point. Smelling lovely, just ya general weed whiff but fairly strong. Plenty of tops showing up.
Last day of the week. What can ya say, just gonna take it's time buddin up now, shouldn't need any defol or pinning down
@Smokwiri, I can imagine mate. I started doing photoperiods by accidently poppin a blue dream photo instead of autoflower lol. It was 7 wks old before I realised it was a photo, I just thought it was a 'grower not a shower' ; ) Then realised what I'd done. In actual fact I only realised after I looked in my seed tub and wondered why I had no blue dream photo seeds but did have a full pack of BD auto seeds 😂 So carried on and that grew into a bit of a monster, and ugly, low yielding monster but a monster none the less haha. So, yeh mate, I can well imagine some beastly trees growing from these beans
@Smokwiri, Thanks man, Gotta collect these humboldt strains right? Who knows what the future holds for em. Got a cple so far. Really lookin forward to this one
Hey thanks for the info. Yes she looks about 8weeks she gor stunted very hardcore the first 5weeks of veg (winter cold) i hope she will bud soon i need that monaaaay
@Lazuli, Haha, just hold out then, eh. It'll bud up eventually. Cheers, I'll keep an eye out for the humboldt but they're gettin hard to come across, legal troubles an all.