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Church 3 different defoliation methods

4 years ago
Skyline 1000 Full Spectrum Light Emitting Diodes/500W
Skyline 1000 Full Spectrum
Skyline 1000 Full Spectrum Light Emitting Diodes/500W
Skyline 1000 Full Spectrum
Room Type
weeks 8-9
weeks 9, 12-14
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
55 L
Pot Size
1 L
4 years ago
Nutrients 1
Great White - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Great White 1 mll
(Posting this a few weeks too late) Ok, starting my first indoor photoperiod grow using a couple of clones I got from a friend (he got his plant from the top of my outdoor church), so these are like grand daughters of the church plant I harvested in December. I cut the branch at 45 angle, sprinkled some great white on the cubes my neighbour gave me, put in a plate, sprinkled some water.
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Used method
Germination Method
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
10 cm
16 hrs
15 °C
18 °C
10 °C
55 L
0 L
90 cm
Nutrients 1
Great White - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Great White 1 mll
Took a while for the girls to look healthy and show some growth, finally there. I decided to pot them in soil this week and they are looking well. My friend gave me a third clone he didn't need (in the red cup). Will give those girls a week or so and transplant into the soil which I have prepared: 120L old used biobizz light mix that I had 40L coco coir 40L worm castings 40L plumice To which I added: 200mg/litre Ecothrive life-cycle as that seemed to contain most of the amendments I would have needed to mix myself. 50mg/litre fish, bone and blood meal 100mg/litre epsom salts mixed the lot up, potted and let it rest for a week, I then sprinkled with some cover crop seeds and mulch. Ready and waiting for the clones to be ready. The 4th pot will have another clone of the kritikal-k plant I have
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Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
12 cm
19 hrs
15 °C
18 °C
10 °C
55 L
0 L
90 cm
The clones are alive and the soil is alive The alfalfa is starting to show between the hay, I am watering the pots very lightly the soil is barely drying up. Determining how wet with that moisture sensor I have which seems to indicate that lower part of the soil is always wet and the top is dry (even thought the top is wet to the the touch). Based on I watered each 55l pot 1l of water a week with a sligh mist every couple of days to moist the hay/topsoil. The clones in their pots looking good, no problems. The one in the cup doesn't look too happy a leaf is very droopy, though it might be overwatered, so let it dry out a bit and watering less frequently, but it is still droopy. :s The temperatures are too low outside and inside it dropped to 9c. Just ordered me a heater to manage the environment better. Can't wait to plant them in the big pots and see how they react, hopefully the mix is not too hot.
Grow Questions
herbalistsswordstarted grow question 4 years ago
The clone that is in the cup has droopy leaves. I thought it was overwatered so I let it dry for a few days and watered it again today, still droopy. What could be causing this?
Leaves. Wilting
BurningOutcastanswered grow question 4 years ago
Youre clones arfe droopy because youre overwatering them. I noticed your daytime temps are below 65. Guess what, youre plants are hardly drinking or growing so your overwatering. This happens in my greenhouse in the winter here down south. Water less and consider getting a heater or keeping all your young plants bunched together so they biomass warms them until they get a little larger.
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
12 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
18 °C
17 °C
55 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
Fresh aloe vera gel 2.604 mll
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 0.1 mll
End of week 5, repoted this week, can't wait to see how they grow in these pots! I installed a heater and the temperatures are much better now. Only watering for now, was watering with just a little water before transplanting. The big pots I watered weekly with ~2L water and spraying the top layer every now and then to keep it moist. I gave a little more water today as they moisture probe was telling that it was still dry after 2L. So ended up watering each pot 4.5L of water with the plan of not watering for another 7 days. I think all this much is affecting how much water is flowing down (or my probe is broken :D ) We have an aloe vera plant which I am cutting leaves from and squeezing some gel out into the water. Hopefully they will get over whatever caused these drooping leaves quickly. They seem to be on the mend.
1 comment
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
19 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
40 %
18 °C
15 °C
16 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 2
Fresh aloe vera gel 2.604 mll
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 0.1 mll
Week 6 getting off to a good start. The girls are no longer droopy and looking much happier. I guess they just needed to get used to the new pot. Or the 4.5L of water + aloe vera yesterday (which they also got sprayed with). Regardless, really happy with how they are looking now. -- They got 4.5 litres on Sunday, looked good on Monday, a little worse in Tuesday then by Wednesday morning they were droopy again. Since they well after watering and spray thought I'd water to make sure it was the water that made then well not the spray. So gave each 2l water in the morning, they had their night time and a few hours later they looked well again. Woke up this morning Thursday and they were droopy again. Since water helped yesterday, thought I'd water again. More water this time. Gave each 4l of water. BY Thursday afternoon they were looking good again but come Friday morning and they are wilting :S going to ask a question about this. The top 2 inches of soil always feel moist to me, even when the plant is droop, it is not really drying up. Friday evening, following advice from answer, I watered each with 5 litres until run off. Installed a Bluetooth sensor that tells me moisture level. It is about 5cms deep in the soil and says moisture is at 40% immediately after watering. The deep moisture print I have is now reading moist almost wet it was reading dry before, even after watering. So there is definitely more water in the soil. Saturday morning they were droopy again. Top Soil moisture is at 35%, gave just under a litre of water too each plant. Got run off again a few minutes later and soil moisture is at 35 still. Moved the probe closer to the plant where the soil in old pot was, moisture was at 22%, so water just around the plants some more. I've also loosened up the mulch as it was forming a layer that looked like rotting cardboard with white fungus. Maybe that was preventing oxygen from coming in? At time of writing the girls are still droopy and they have been water plenty. I'll leave them for now. Enough water last couple of days. Saturday evening the girls were looking good again, Sunday morning a bit more droopy, Sunday evening they were looking better again. Plant 1 looks particularly worse than the others. Maybe something to do with the fact it was transplanted from a cup unlike the other 2 that were in a 1l pot.
Grow Questions
herbalistsswordstarted grow question 4 years ago
Ordered some tiger worms to add to the pots. Any precautions/tips to increase their chance of survival? Got a lot of mulch and cover crop already.
Other. General questions
Weezy90answered grow question 4 years ago
Hi ! Tijgerwormen of ook wel compostwormen, verwerken organisch materiaal in de bodem. Nadien breken ze de organische stoffen af met de bacteriën en enzymen in hun darmkanaal en dit geeft dan weer meer voedingsstoffen aan je planten😉 Win-win situatie dus. Ze planten zich snel verder, maar kunnen niet goed tegen licht, stress en droogte. Zorg er dus voor dat ze zich goed kunnen bewegen door de aarde, dat deze luchtig genoeg is en steeds voldoende vochtig. En natuurlijk niet te vergeten, dat ze goed kunnen eten, dat er dus voldoende compostmateriaal/organisch materiaal aanwezig is in je bodem. Je kan dit extra gaan toevoegen. Ik hoop dat ik kon helpen 🙂 Veel succes met groeien!🌱
herbalistsswordstarted grow question 4 years ago
Water these pots with 4L, they look good for a day then get all droopy again. Transplanted them 8 days ago to these pots. Worried something else is wrong and am overwatering. Should they be taking this much water? Topsoil
Plant. Wilting
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
The fact they are looking good after watering then drooping again soon afterwards, tells me the substrate is overly dry. Four litres is not unreasonable, however I would suggest giving them one litre every half hour, so that they get the 4 litres over 2 hours. This way if your substrate is over dry and the water is just running straight through the pot without being effectively absorbed, the staggered watering method can help to rehydrate the substrate. This way, the first litre gets "sucked" up properly and swells the soil a bit, before the next litre is given and due to the swollen soil, more of the second litre will be absorbed more effectively, the same thing happening with litres three and four. It is a bit like blowing up a balloon, each time you add a litre and let it get "sucked" up a bit, the further the moisture will penetrate the soil, until the soil is fully moistened from edge to edge and top to bottom, just like filling a balloon a bit more with each breath. After getting your soil evenly moistened, try to maintain an even moisture level that is not too wet or not too dry. This can be a bit tricky to work out and has a lot of variables, such as temps, air flow, the plants size and requirements etc, but with time and experience, you will master this skill. At first you may have to repeat the four litre trick a second or even third day in a row, until your plants are staying normal and not drooping by the next day and the entire volume of soil has become evenly re-moistened again. A good way to know when to water again is by literally sticking your finger in to the soil and if the top inch or so is dry, then it is time to water deeply until run off, once again, and water the whole surface of the pot, not just next to the plant, roots will not grow in dry soil, nor will nutrients be available. Sticking your finger into multiple spots in the pot can be a better overall way to make a determination to the dryness of the entire pot. Watering to run off will ensure that water has penetrated from top to bottom and can help prevent any mineral salts from the fertilizers, from building up in your soil. Hope this helps,.... Organoman.
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
26 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
40 %
18 °C
15 °C
17 °C
55 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Malt Barley Powder 1.302 mll
2nd day of week 7 - day 44 and the girls look ok, most of the time. They look fine for a few hours after their dark period but then I go to sleep and when I wake up (the plant's afternoon time) they are drooping as you can see in the morning of day 44 picture. Considering changing schedule from 18/6 to 16/8 what do you think? :) They seem to be dealing with it ok for now, haven't watered since the big watering/drench last Friday and the soil is still moist all over. --- Day 45: Bought 1kg of tiger worms and distributed across the pots. May they live long and prosper. Top dressed with 2 tablespoons of Malt Barley Powder per pot Used 1/2 teaspoon of Aloe Vera powder with 1 litre of water to Foliar spray + mist on the mulch with MBP Too many fungus nats on the stickies and I can see them flying in the tent. Hopefully the neem spray will help and replaced with new stickies. ---- Day 47 The girls are looking really healthy and happy, still lean downwards like the start of a droop towards the end of their light cycle but I am told that is normal. They really needed some training, so I've bent the main branch down and tied them with plant tie.
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
14 cm
19 hrs
24 °C
40 %
18 °C
15 °C
14 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Monday - day 50 - start of week 8 The girls are looking really well. Took to the LST nicely and has lovely colours. Turned the pots around so the plants are directly under the lights. Haven't watered in 10 days and the soil is still moist. The worms have dug into the soil and are working hard. I see the odd one moving about if I look under the mulch, but I know they are in there. Hopefully alive :D --- Saturday day 55 the girls still didn't need watering (15 days since last watering) but as the funguns gnats are getting out of hand so I needed to water to attack. Mixed 2 tablespoons of malt barley powder (contains chtinase which should kill those buggers) with 8 litres of water, added the nematodes (they fight the fungus gnat larvae, got them off amazon) and drenched the soil (2 litres each). Mixed another 8 litres with half a teaspoon of aloe vera powder, 25ml neem oil, 50ml soap and drenched/foliar sprayed the plants with this. Replaced stickies ---- Sunday day 56 I would say about 80% fewer fungus gnats on the stickies than in previous days, something helped. Not sure if it is the neem, barley or nematodes. They'll be getting the neem and barley again next week for sure. Nematodes in another couple of weeks. The nematodes package came with something called "zoot off" which should help keep the gnats away too. Something olive based and organic, I will add tomorrow. The girls are looking great! What a different from the beginning of the week and the end of the week! I'll start floweing next week. Thinking of doing an experiment with those since they are clones: Plant 1 - defoliation and removing lower branches which wont be getting as much light. I.e. will have fewer bugs Plant 2- Schwazzing and leaving all bud sites. i.e. remove all the leaves Plant 3 - defoliation leaving all the branches and buds If you think there are other technique to try out instead let me know.
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Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
4 years ago
15 cm
19 hrs
24 °C
40 %
18 °C
15 °C
18 °C
55 L
0 L
45 cm
Good week overall, Day 61 Decided to start my experiment, 3 clones trained in different way. Plant 1: Schwazzing Plant 2: Light Defoliation Plant 3: Lollipopping Hopefully I've done it correctly for each :) Switched the lights to 13/11 on/off on day 62 and to 12/12 on day 63. Haven't had to water at all this week. Plants are looking great and took very well to the training.
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Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
25 cm
19 hrs
25 °C
40 %
18 °C
15 °C
17 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
Compost Tea 500 mll
Malt Barley Powder 30 mll
Aloe Vera Powder 5 mll
The 3 plants were trained in different ways on day 63 and as you can see from they pictures they all took the training very well, can't see an obvious difference between them. Plant 1: Schwazzing Plant 2: Light Defoliation Plant 3: Lollipopping Switched the lights to 13/11 on/off on day 62 and to 12/12 on day 63 this is day 70 (actually posting this couple weeks late) after a whole week of flowering schedule. Made some aerated compost tea today and watered the girls with it yesterday Tuesday. Each pot got 2L of watered down aerated compost tea and 2L of water with aloe vera powder and malt barley.
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Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
30 cm
19 hrs
26 °C
40 %
18 °C
15 °C
15 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 2
Malt Barley Powder 30 mll
Aloe Vera Powder 5 mll
Got first pistils on 8th day of flowering schedule. Gonna have lots of buds, it is a carpet of buds :D Shame didn't have all 4 pots like this. Looks amazing. I have to say really impressed with this organic growing method, such healthy beautiful leaves!
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
40 cm
19 hrs
26 °C
60 %
18 °C
15 °C
14 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Aloe Vera Powder 5 mll
These girls are looking beautiful and growing really well. Another good week, the girls still looking amazing healthy, buds growing nicely. I've printed some root drippers and installed 5 of them per pot, got their first watering with the root drip system this week, makes things much simpler now as it is getting too busy and bushy for me to get to water them. It is day 21 of flower so time for some more defoliation, didn't go as crazy as on the first day of flower but more on plant 1 (schwazzing) very little on plant 2 and lollipopping plant 3.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
40 cm
19 hrs
24 °C
60 %
18 °C
10 °C
12 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 1 mll
Another awesome week, so happy with the setup, the lights, the grow methods, the genes :) can't wait to smoke these clones, currently smoking the mother and it is a really nice high. Plant 1 that was schwazzed is the shortest of all and I think the smallest buds, maybe a little behind because she was more stunted. Plant 2 is the tallest and most buds, looking great but quite bushy, I need to remove from leaves daily to get more air flowing Plant 3 that was lollipopped has fewer buds as expected Good stacking on all. Watered with 4l of water this week, didn't add aloe or malt barley this week, need to figure out how to feed them those now as the drippers would get clogged up.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
40 cm
19 hrs
24 °C
60 %
18 °C
10 °C
12 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 1 mll
Another amazing week, I'm late on updating, got week 14,15 and 16 to update today. I've been slacking
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Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
40 cm
19 hrs
19 °C
60 %
13 °C
10 °C
12 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 1 mll
Another amazing week, I'm late on updating, got week 14,15 and 16 to update today. I've been slacking Just adding water now, don't want to risk adding malt barley or anything in case it affects the taste, I think the soil is healthy enough for them. Keeping the temperatures up is proving difficult as it is so cold outside.
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Week 16. Flowering
4 years ago
40 cm
19 hrs
22 °C
60 %
16 °C
10 °C
12 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 1 mll
Another amazing week, I'm late on updating, got week 14,15 and 16 to update today. I've been slacking I got me a camera to record the content, hopefully next grow I'll have a time lapse. Got some nice setup going with the sensors and raspberry pi running home-assistant, showing humidity, temperature, soil moisture and fertility, sensors hooked up to automation that will turn on heating fan in the room containing the room. I can control the lot remotely. Liking it :)
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Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
40 cm
19 hrs
25 °C
60 %
16 °C
10 °C
14 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 1 mll
Just smooth sailing, not much to report. Just waiting... Giving nothing but water (with some neutralise to remove chlorine). Buds are swelling up nicely
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
40 cm
19 hrs
25 °C
60 %
16 °C
10 °C
14 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 1 mll
And same again, smooth week, they get 1 watering a week of about 6litres each. The buds just keep getting more white pistils and the trichomes are smokey white, waiting to see some more amber in there and for the buds to swell up more. The lollipopped plant seems to be the fastest. I reckon another 2 weeks :S I might not have enough supply left and might have to chop a branch off early to keep me going.
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1 comment
Week 19. Flowering
4 years ago
40 cm
19 hrs
25 °C
60 %
16 °C
10 °C
14 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 1 mll
Buds are swelling up really nicely, the girl that was schwazzed has smaller buds than the others but they appear more ready with more amber pistils.
1 comment
Week 20. Flowering
4 years ago
40 cm
19 hrs
26 °C
60 %
16 °C
10 °C
16 °C
55 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Neutralise - Ecothrive
Neutralise 1 mll
ok, so I'm all out of anything to smoke and the the girl that schwazzed is showing some amber trichomes so I harvested her in a rush. Could have probably left for another couple of weeks to fatten up some more but I can't wait :D Harvested on May 1st got 530g wet bud. The other girls are getting really heavy that the branches needed supports :D Good problem to have


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DreamITcommentedweek 84 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🤠👊🍀
Ferenccommentedweek 64 years ago
Happy Growing @herbalistssword
Charliepugdogcommentedweek 44 years ago
Looking good so far mate
herbalistsswordcommentedweek 64 years ago
Interesting to see how the moisture level of the top soil changes with the tide. Low tide ~40% high tide it goes up to 45%
herbalistsswordcommentedweek 44 years ago
Middle of week 5 really as i post at the end of week this is showing as if it is week 4. I should switch to posting beginning of the week. Installed new heater and temperatures are better: 18 at night 25 during the day. Potted the plant from the cup today. Hope she takes well to the soil. Watered the pots 1.5L across the 4
Smokwiricommentedweek 124 years ago
Plant looks nice, i will be looking at it now and then..
herbalistsswordcommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, Thanks I have never had plants so healthy. Hopefully means good yields :D
chulacommentedweek 64 years ago
I hope the girls are doing better🙏
herbalistsswordcommented4 years ago
@chula, not yet. I think I am on the right track though now
iHateSativacommentedweek 184 years ago
Looking Good! 👍
deFharocommentedweek 134 years ago
Nice plants, good luck!! 👆
JonGolTcommentedweek 64 years ago
Разрыхли солому немного, и проверь ph воды ну и полив уменьши в двое...Удачи бро!
dreambombercommentedweek 54 years ago
Happy growing, hermano! Take the best crop in 2021! 💪 Check my reports t00! 💪
DoDrugs420commentedweek 194 years ago
You rock that The Church i love it.
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommentedweek 204 years ago
Your tent looks great bro 👌
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommentedweek 204 years ago
Good job buddy nice and frosty 🤜🤛
herbalistsswordcommentedweek 94 years ago
Tuesday middle of week 10 (first week of flowering schedule), made some aerated compost tea today and watered the girls. Each pot got 2L of watered down aerated compost tea and 2L of water with aloe vera powder and malt barley.
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