@bobo420, this is one reason we recommend that you still continue to give a vegative feed high in nitrogen, calcium and magnesium as these are used up by the plant in the stretch phase so need replenishing :)
Good point mate and thank you for your input.
This is what makes a great community. Knowledgeable growers happy to share their experiences and knowledge :)
Thanks mate very useful info :)
All the best
@Lennys_Laboratory, you can veg her for as long as you'd like, but when she starts to stretch she starts growing more aggressively and can intake even more than in normal veg growth. Once the stretch is over, she doesn't have that much need for N
She's having a slight N def, it can happen while stretching, I've noticed you stopped giving her veg nutrients, you might want to slowly decrease it in the next week or two as she can use the nutes ;)
Hey Lenny looks like we are growing the same strain! She doesn't stretch much but mine just started Week 4 bloom and the buds are already super dense. Following.
@Cannacabs, ive noticed the same man very short and bushy. The PAK2 is the smaller of the two. when things get a litle more exciting more pics will be getting uploaded :)
@bobo420, thanks mate. I normally use paper towel and glass of water but have been instructed by dinafem how to germinate their seeds and only cake with 40% success as appose to normal rates I get (80-90+%).
Thanks tho will follow back :)
Good idea 😊 Don't hesitate to let them grow a bit in veg,( most ) PAK stay very short and bearly stretch, from what i have observed anyway. Keep up the good work 👍🏼😊
@Lennys_Laboratory, You did your research first which shows in this (first) grow. ;)
Flowering time is coming and coming fast ;)
Looking good and can't wait to until these ladies go into bloom :)
Your in for a real treat my friend :)
All the best
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Haha yeah man i get that all the time in my local shop as im in soil too. My first ever bit of advice was Ph 6.2
EC 0.7......
i then had to learn wtf ec was and got acquainted with the probe 😁 only ever had the most minor burns ! if anthing claw and twist from N would be most wrong ive had so far
Looking great in here :)
All plants look super healthy, nice dark green, showing some steady growth and no signs of any deficiency or stress ;)
Your doing a fine job my friend!
All the best
@DinafemSeeds, Hey Mark 💪
a bit ff space is soon to be free so the taller of the two will hit 12/12 and ill veg the smaller one for an extra week, i think theres a weeks difference in age too hence the size diff..
but yeah thanks for the heads up ! can wait to see the beauty 😎
@Lennys_Laboratory, Not long now mate. I would give one more week of vegative growth then go into 12/12 ;)
This is going to be one very cool flower show :)
Can't wait and you'll be very pleased I'm confident in that :)
Looking good mate :)
All the best
Another Dinafem grow up and running on the grow diary platform :)
Let's see what our pak(purple afghan kush)can do :)
Best of luck with the grow we will be watching with interest :)
All the best
@DinafemSeeds, Thanks man !
Hoping for some exotic colours 👍🏻 Nice to see different plants characteristics aswell so various suppliers is working for me 🔥