Germination of the second strain in my life goes without any difficulties. Putting a seed on a wet paper towel, then a white arm starts to grow in less than two days. The temperature is kept between 20 to 25 degrees to deceive her as in summer. Fresh water is poured on her body lying on the soil bed. Since the soil is full of nutrition she would not need any fertilizer for several weeks.
"Thus the world is a bit more advanced than him; he wonder to be a witness of the world that is not inspired yet."
In the city of New Leningrad, 2021-01-10.
Somehow I missed you started your second grow. I thought by being a follower it would notify me automatically.
Good luck!
I wish I had some advice to give with regards to the lighter color... but I am also new to this hobby and the knowledge that I have gained thus far is only with Coco and not with soil.