1. This will be the second time I've grown this strain. The last time it was one of my favorites. The buds were hefty and sticky. She grew to a reasonable height in a semi-SCroG. This time I will be using Batch 64 coco-based soil instead of a peat-based soil. I'll also have her in a 5g container instead of a 3g container. I still plan on using a SCroG, but I have to re-build it since it was built for a 3x3 tent.
2. I started using the paper towel method to germinate my seeds. I've been having some difficulty getting my seeds to sprout. I narrowed it down to temperature. Now I'm putting the seeds in paper towels and placing them on top of my cable box. I had 100% success rate and all 4 seeds were ready for planting within 2 days. A few of the strains were ready after 1 day.
3. Once the sprouts showed themselves, I've been misting them daily as their watering regimen. I've added a 25% solution of Remo's Veg. Nutes as well.