1. What a week! I transplanted the day after I updated my diary. This is the growth for a little over a week.
2. Her final pot is a 7g square canvas pot. I can use the corner as supports if necessary. I also think that growing 4 plants in 7g pots is perfect for my 4x4 tent.
3. I pre-soaked the soil prior to transplanting so there wouldn't be any dead spots in the soil. I've only watered once since I transplanted. 500ml@50% Remo Veg. Solution. I am also foliar feeding daily using the same strength solution.
4. Right now GSC is in a crowded tent. There are 3 autos that are close to being done, the 4 plants that are going in my other photo tent, and 4 sprouts that will be by themselves in this tent once the autos are finished.