Still struggling to get the medium pH up been adding Potassium bicarbonate last 2 waterings (in going pH 8.9) still getting out of range low 5 runoff numbers, left off Cal/Mag last time to make sure there is no acid in the mix. Just anxious to get this grow done, think I went to heavy on the AgroThrive early on thinking it was weaker than salts, it certainty is not, lesson learned the only other thing I thought might help is a help is adding microbes to widen the pH range but it might be too late for that at this point. 😕
In love with Red Hot Cookies, I just harvested 2 seeds, if you see my diary you will see the result.
Your pheno has also a wonderful color
Sweet hugs from us ❤️❤️❤️
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Que maravilha ✌️
Boa sorte no cultivo e aproveita o desenvolvimento 👍
E no final que tenhas uma grande colheita 🌱🌱
Se quiseres passa pelo meu diário e deixa o teu apoio
@Doktorholland, They cap here at 2000, Actual PPM is 3457 average run off as of last water. In going solution was about 1159 average, about 1100 PPM coming from Pro-Tekt & (mostly) Potassium bicarbonate, this is organic so I was less concerned, more concerned that the medium is in the acid 5.2 average pH range & locking out as mentioned.