The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
  • Fast Buds related Memes only
  • Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)

Fast Buds Meme Contest!

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46 Photos participating
3 years ago

Let's gooo! Another round of memes as summer begins!!

Let's see what you got! Good luck to everyone!

We will be moderating entries to eliminate any memes which we consider inappropriate or hateful to any group. We reserve the right to use all content posted to this content on our Social Media Platforms while giving full credit to the creator.



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m0usecommented3 years ago
The analytics of this contest would be interesting to review. What memes were picked to be shown on insta, How they ranked compared to each other and how many views they got. How many votes they received and if by repeated users or first timers to fast buds page, What time they where uploaded at and how for how long. If a subject is trending it would be an advantage to the game I would think. aka "depp v herd" or "will smith v chris rock" I am curious to see who wins this month. I find some funny but most not. Hopefully the users will be high who are voting.
GeOMaTTiCcommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, 1 entry shared, 50 left alone. It's one thing to be visible for only 24 hrs, and another to be permanently visible several days before voting.
m0usecommented3 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, it is what it is. The other factors not taken into account is that when the voting meme/story is uploaded, that 24 hr period could be on a Monday or a Saturday, maybe its a holiday exct. I had a friend who works in PR and is "insta famous" they did nothing but play with the numbers on when to post, how to tag and it sky rocketed them to 10K to 50K easy. If they missed posts or uploaded at the wrong time their likes and following where affected. This is 100% happening now and is part of it. The fan base is another wild card, who are they, are they high, and maybe they are not the only ones voting? if something trends in the explore feed it might be pushed to others. I saw this of my own stories when I was still on Insta. There is also the reality that people manufacturing/manipulating votes for themselves, not saying it happening, but its very possible. Sending it to their friends or groups if they have a following, After seeing how much shit people go though and cheat on other contests that don't involve cash money its very much in the realm of possibility I feel. Kinda why knowing the analytics are useful. Did one receive more votes then the others, where they posted on same day, equal traffic and views exct. I think they need a voting system that does not remove other memes and give everyone a chance all at the same time, Shows them on a list and that's it, select up to 5 as your favourite and tally votes after. could do tiers of winners like a soccer tournament but you would need multiple votes and that's not realistic. The best memes are the ones that are a bit racy. Using an open system would be nice but no idea how to go about getting that done and its also plagued with its own problems. They have to work within their resources with whatever capabilities they have. For a free contest and some set rules with some hidden rules its is what it is. GD is part of Fast Buds and look at this site. nothing is tested, "just do it live, fuck it" lol. Given the tools and info we now have. Just make mediocre memes that are kinda drab and they may have a good chance, best you can do. Good point below. shiniest of two turds kinda thing. Bring it onto GD for voting would open up all the fake accounts. Needs to be a third party outside of GD or FB influence and control.
AllIDoIsMecommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, " I don't think it's fair for anyone to say that the memes that won are 'garbage'... they were clear winners in the voting system, so obviously the majority enjoyed them." ...Well not quite. It doesn't mean the majority enjoyed them. It means given the option of urine, doo doo or vomit, people had to make a life decision. The majority would probably be upset though if they knew you took the option of ice cream away from them. lol, there's a meme there. 😋 Whatever happened to the K.I.S.S. method? Why not just take down all the inappropriate memes and at the end of the month let the rest get voted on by the community? It'd be dope if you put them all in one single instagram meme story? That way they're all sharing screen time together and everybody who entered gets the opportunity to receive a vote. I have to wonder how many people are missing out just because the voting is hidden in the middle of a story like that.
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BB_UKcommented3 years ago
They need to figure out a better voting system so we choose at least who gets to place for the win because all I see is the most unfunny ones to choose from to win which is confusing because you would think it would be the funniest. Like last months I see so many other potential winners! Like come on fastbuds who's choosing these to be voted for on Instagram!
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, Yeah, unfortunately both were taken down, for now we are using @fastbuds_genetics_official and @fastbuds_official.... Voting is done on @fastbuds_genetics_official. Feel free to follow us on both!!
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@MrHightimes, hahah trying my best!!
GeOMaTTiCcommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Where did the voting take place? Both the main account and the backup account are no longer listed on IG.
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DutchGrownGreenscommented3 years ago
Congrats Mrhightimes🙏
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
Congrats to the following: 1st: @MrHightimes 2nd: @DutchGrownGreens 3rd: @CanarianGrow92 Thanks to everyone else who participated this month, and remember this is a meme contest, it's supposed to be fun! If you didn't win this round, Let's keep trying with some fresh content in the next one =)
CanarianGrow92commented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, thanks a lot fastbuds and congratulation @MrHighTimes and @DutchGrownGreens !!! Thanks to the people who liked my meme and voted! 🙂
ChitownCannaChicacommented3 years ago
Mouse!!! Lol. True that! Spammers on gd
m0usecommented3 years ago
m0usecommented3 years ago
Just confirmed you can not hide or delete your diary when you upload it into this contest. So the members who have won multiple times with no diaries on their accounts got them removed via Growdiaires OR found an exploit. As far as I know, GD only removes diaries or accounts when they are fake. Or maybe, if you like conspiracy theories, they are run by the site so they don't have to pay people out lol. I'm leaning toward #1 or #2 with an exploit.
m0usecommented3 years ago
@BB_UK, yup 👌
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
@m0use, you're totally right and you cannot hide or edit a diary which is involved in a contest 😊 you have to ask admin team to remove it for you otherwise! But yes most of the time the winners are suspect because the meme's are not even funny or the contest disregards funnier ones! But hey ho it's only a GD contest! You win or you don't but everyone is a winner in my eyes! 💚💙
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, no offence to you, I just don't believe what GrowDiaries has told you to be factual. If that was the case, I could Delete/Hide my old grows I put into a old contest and no longer want on my profile. This is not the case. I can't do that, Have tried many times. I can edit them and remove all content like photos and text, but the diaries themselves remain. If your trying to tell me your contests are exempt from this rule that's something else, this should be troubleshooted or the other contests should be fixed to enable other contests this freedom. The fact remains that the account in question is only here for this one contest as shown by their activity feed, has the ability to circumvent rules that others are bound by and they are not contributing to the community. Would not be surprised if the diaries they do/did use contain sourced images that are not their own or are recycled and no longer current. Let me reiterate, I like the contest, I like your branding, but your side venture of Grow Dairies needs work and that profile is 100% sus. Lets see some real community members win the top spots this month. Good Luck to everyone entering!
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Misanthropecommented3 years ago
Is there a reason I can only select 1 of my 9 diaries? I can't select the one with the memes I want to enter
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented3 years ago
@Misanthrope, I could pick any diary, I don't have a Fastbuds diary (yet)(of course yet). ;)
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Misanthrope, It only lets me pick my Fast Buds diaries, It did not care how old it was, one that's 2 years old was ok. weird... Does not say in contest rules it needs to be a fast buds diary, Thought people could enter without a diary as long as shit was Fast Buds related and they were current. Just move the memes over to the one that you can select and upload from.
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented3 years ago
@mrgrowbond I'm dying :D
MrGrowbondcommented3 years ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, ahhahahahaha thnk bro ahahahhahahaha
MrHightimescommented3 years ago
I enjoy the monthly practice! Its greatly helping my illustrator skills! 😁 GL all!
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@MrHightimes, Good luck!! Happy to see you've joined!!
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented3 years ago
@ChitownCannaChica LOOOL :D BFFs 4ever. <3 Good luck everyone! We are so funny! :D
Moonygrowscommented3 years ago
Gutted I've got a good meme made then realised I needed 3 diaries to enter. Maybe in a few months I suppose :) good luck everyone.
AwfulBuddycommented3 years ago
@Skynnytall420 @@AllIDoIsMe 🔥🚨🐬🚨🐬🚨🐬🚨🐬🚨🤣🤣🤣🤣