The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
  • Texts must be uploaded in photo format to a Fast Buds Diary, if your story has multiple photos, be sure to upload them all to the contest.

Fast Buds Stoner Seduction Stories

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45 Photos participating
a month ago

This Valentine’s season, let words ignite the fire. The Fast Buds Stoner Seduction Stories contest invites you to weave the most passionate, creative, and steamy cannabis-inspired tales. Whether it’s a love story sparked by a shared joint, a poem dripping in desire, or a playful piece filled with puns and double meanings, let your imagination run wild.

How to Enter:

  • Write a sexy, romantic, or seductive story involving cannabis in some way.
  • Get creative—use poetry, wordplay, or craft an unforgettable tale of love and lust.

The best stories will be judged on creativity, style, and pure stoner seduction.
Light one up, let inspiration take over, and give us a story that makes hearts race and smoke rise. Whether it’s a love affair rolled as smoothly as the perfect joint or a poem that hits just right, this is your chance to turn up the heat with words.



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Newt_Loopcommented11 days ago
I literally only came here for the comments and am I glad I did! I personally think these 2 Fast Buds contest were kind of dumb to begin with, knew it was going to bring some drama.
Krisiscommenteda month ago
So this pedo crap about m0use post. I assume we’re talking about the Dora meme? The Dora that is animated, but if we’re going to be as ridiculous as these comments are: Dora was a kid like 20 years ago LOL in the meme she’s clearly not a child and has a child/pregs herself. It states age is just a number, which could imply ANY number, and you have decided she’s a child/makes it pedo. So based on your own perceptions, you’re actually the pedo.. looking at a meme that was clearly meant to troll, as something sexual and to do with kids. The real joke here I think was in the fact it says ILLEGAL- which implies Dora herself should be deported based on her status. To the Donald Trump wannabe crying about the meme? Loool you’re NO Donald Trump, change your name. He would definitely be onboard with the illegal joke. Go cry in your safe closet
Krisiscommenteda month ago
How bout instead GD band all you useless whiny trolls who contribute NOTHING of value to the site. How many people have you helped when dm’d? How many questions have you answered? How many informational and helpful diaries have you contributed? Ah, that’s right. Fucken NONE. Literally just here to stir up shit and leave your skid marks all over. Get a life and some sense. And before you yap as usual, penguin poop, I’ll exclude you, as I’m aware you do have diaries and answer questions. You’re still annoying though :)
JointDoctorcommenteda month ago
Well put! 👏👏👏 @GrowDiaries please ban m0use he is a pedophile. You should also ban everyone who sticks up for him. The site will be better with out them. You could lose sponsors, advertisers and solid members of this community.
einamiocommenteda month ago
I feel like Mike Tyson hugging Hasbullah reading your complaints guys
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PenguPoopcommented2 months ago
🤢 sexism has nothing to do with beeing sexy, romantic, or seductive !! its a bit sad, that Growdiaries gives shit like that a platform! No Place for Homophobia, Fascism, Sexism, Racism, Hate!
m0usecommenteda month ago
O missed your reply @daddyprime2, such a shame. as its filled with a bunch of falsities. 1) I can not get anyone banned, they get themselves banned by breaking grow diaries TOS, aka "terms of service". GD does all the banning and not because I ask them to do it, Don't give me such credit, that's scary. 2) I can not prevent you from replying to anything. Its not how it works. If you feel you can't reply, then that's a personal self confidence issue and not legitimate one or one that I prevent. 3) The block feature is broken/removed and when it did exist it only hid the users replies and posts on forms from the user who block em, but not their profile or anything else significant, So if the person tagged you and you blocked them you would not see any of their shit but everyone else could. Its a stupid system. It should block them/you from each others views and the ability to tag each other but its just not how it worked. this site is not made very well, I'm sure you have noticed this by now. 4) I have not, and will not, show my gentiles to anyone on this site, lol, for real, just lol Its also why that dude "cameltoe" pretending to be a chick got banned, You are not allowed to steal the likeness of real life people and pass it off as "your" own, and you can not harass others by spreading slander about them, another thing they did after they freaked out on me cuz I said I could not upload to a video contest and they said I was lying then freaked out when presented with rational information and a hint of ; ok.... I guess you should ask yourself this: why in the hell would anyone think that person was the real life porn star they said they where? Then on top of that, why would anyone show them a pic of their junk on a weed growing site? It legit does not add up at all, and if you believe it, I think their is more to be said about your own logic and reasoning then anything else. Flat out. Broken dumb logic. I have only ever made one meme in relation to age/dark humor and it in this contest. so please point out to me how I have quote "....been known to say things referring to children or age being a number...." This sentience insinuates this is a reoccurring theme. or are you just trying to over exaggerate for dramatic effect? You are one of the only people who are critical of me who seems to be a legit profile on the site with diaries linked to your account. So go ahead and ask me anything and I'll be honest with you. And yes to your point I have pointed out and called out a lot of shit from a lot of shit members, and bumped heads with some legit ones. If GD did their job and prevented trolls from existing and had some real preventatives in place I would not need to do this at all. sadly GD does not care, and I have been a troll magnet for ages, I know once someone gets banned they can just make a new account/new email and be back in less then 5 min. Its not hard to come back and they do. the bans are superficial at best. P.S many media forms, shows/images/performances/exct have make jokes about pedos and or dora and or child pregnancy. These are all the same topics I hit with that meme. So don't lie to yourself. Its ok if you don't know. now you do.
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millerman543commenteda month ago
Lmao ratio
DaddyPrime2commenteda month ago
you have been known to say things referring to children or age being a number. also supposedly shown genitals to other members. youre on here like hall patrol but honestly you seem so inappropriately weird and not in a normal way but like a weirdo way. you've gotten people banned and you police this sight, yet you're the one with the weirdest creepiest vibe. also you'll type a whole book and probably block me from replying but newer members need to know that you like to "joke" about things relating to children and age in ways that NOBODY jokes About. I've tried blocking you and making it so i can't see anything of yours but it's not possible on here apparently
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YourLocalGrowmiecommenteda month ago
"roses are red, age is just a number. Doing things illegal just makes things funner" - with a pregnant child cartoon star as picture in the background Wylde. I thought things were supposed to get sexy? Do trolls get kicked out or disqualified?
Shinsimillacommenteda month ago
Yo bruh, my G! Chill with the cap, that shit's skibidi, you can scope a response 2 doors down bruh. It was advice, not an order. I got no reign over these G's ya feel me. You do you YLG.
DaddyPrime2commenteda month ago
i agree with you also
DaddyPrime2commenteda month ago
looks like im not the only one who feels this
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Krisiscommented2 months ago
All these holier than thou comments across the contests coming from some one with the name bird shit. How fucken rich. Fake virtue signaling fuck. Like stfu and try to have fun
Krisiscommenteda month ago
It was never meant to be an argument. I said what I said. I also don’t need to try to discredit you by your name… all you have to do is type something and it’s already done. I’ll obviously pass on the shutting the fuck up by myself as well, thanks. NEXT.
millerman543commenteda month ago
PenguPoopcommenteda month ago
if you have no arguments, your getting personal and try to discredit someone cause of there name. what a little joke. please stfu by yourself
Hashycommenteda month ago
Roses are red your vulva's blue. Clearly you let mouse get to you. 😉.
Hashycommenteda month ago
Wow, this comp, its become a bit of a witch hunt. Put your pitch forks away growers. Reading the comments it all stems from a cartoon meme, I didn't understand the meme but that doesn't mean I'm going to start accusing the author of being a pedo. This was supposed to be a bit of a fun competition, not a slanging match.
Krisiscommenteda month ago
You wanna get into technicalities and legal bs but are somehow oblivious to the fact you’re blatantly defaming someone at this point. Weird.
MrSour420commenteda month ago
Try and justify your picture anyway you like. You are what you are. Everyone can see it you can't hide it. m0use will be forever known as a pedophile on GD.
m0usecommenteda month ago
....Again fully quote me as not to cherry pick you muck... "Its dark themes are illegal in a lot of countries, Funny enough just like cannabis and people still do it. A disguising juxtapose if you will." Not backpedaling anything. just making a comparison with a juxtapose on cannabis legality to that situation. Its dark humor. Its all in the same post so how can I back-peddle on it when its the original content, that does not add up? You ave seen family guy before? the the neighbor Herbert who is a pedo/diddler? but that's ok with you? or are you writing them dumb letters too because you don't understand? Anything can be a joke and should be, If GD/Fastbuds has issues they would have removed it by now. and If they ask me to remove it I would, but they have not. sooo.. if they don't care are they also a bunch of pedos? is GD a super secret cult ring drinking children's blood? a QAnon Adrenochrome Quackery if you will.
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00110001001001111Ocommenteda month ago
Dora is 24 years old, for all that are offended or concerned.
Krisiscommenteda month ago
Looooooool my comments are mostly replies to YOU.. and YOUR nonsense comments. Also, the problem IS that THIS meme shouldn’t BE a problem. It’s literally not real. Why care about something that’s fictional when there are ACTUAL REAL problems. JFC it’s not whataboutism. It’s doesntexistaboutism
einamiocommenteda month ago
👇how did we come from posting seduction stories and fast buds memes to solving real world problems on growdiaries
PenguPoopcommenteda month ago
whataboutism at it finest you can care on multiple problems you must have solved a lot of REAL world problems with that time you investing here writing nonsense comments
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Newt_Loopcommented11 days ago
I literally only came here for the comments and am I glad I did! I personally think these 2 Fast Buds contest were kind of dumb to begin with, knew it was going to bring some drama.
Master_Shillacommenteda month ago
This comment section could use a little light-hearted comedy. What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a zit? The zit waits until puberty before it comes on your face. I heard Michael Jackson actually died of food poisoning. He ate some 12 year old nuts Did you hear McDonalds was making a McJackson burger to commemorate Michael Jackson It a 50 year old piece of meat between two 12 year old buns I just saw the Michael Jackson documentary I had no idea how many kids were butt-hurt after Leaving Neverland Police officer pulls over 2 Catholic priests. Says he’s looking for two child molesters. Catholic priests looking at each other: We’ll do it! Why are catholic priests called father? Because "daddy" would be too suspicious A catholic priest, a predator and a criminal walk into a bar He ordered a beer Why do Catholic priests like golf? Because most of the holes are under 18. What’s a catholic priest's favorite Easter treat... Lil’ Peeps
OldSchoolSouldercommenteda month ago
On a positive note there are some good entries. Nothing like smoking a fatty and have a good read!
Herbman420commenteda month ago
Good morning everyone hope you all well . There are beautiful stories on here well done for all your creativity. Love you all and remember. It's 420 somewhere 🌱
Stoned_Impalacommented2 months ago
i have no idea what's going on
Green_clawscommented3 days ago
Hello. Who are the winner I can't bear the wait it's killing me..
m0usecommented3 days ago
@Green_claws, lol more like slowbuds, nothing is ever fast on this platform.
LabiaMinoracommented3 days ago
@Green_claws, @Fast_Buds The Speed of FastBuds, the Wait for Glory In gardens where the sunlight beams, FastBuds strains fulfill our dreams, With roots that race and leaves that soar, They bloom with vigor, we adore. From seed to harvest in mere days, A whirlwind dance in nature’s ways, Autoflowers quick as lightning flash, Their buds like treasures, a vibrant stash. Yet here we sit, with bated breath, As time drags on—a slow death. For contests held with eager hearts, The winners’ names are slow to start. Oh FastBuds! You grow so fast, Your blooms arrive; they’re unsurpassed. But when it comes to choosing fate, We find ourselves in endless wait. With every entry sent with pride, We hope our name will be the guide. Yet patience wears as seasons change, While winners linger—oh how strange! So let us cheer for growth so swift, For every strain is truly a gift. But as we ponder who will win, We laugh at time—its stubborn spin. In fields of green where dreams take flight, FastBuds shine bright in morning light. Yet still we wait for news to break— A paradox of speed and ache.
LabiaMinoracommented5 days ago
@Fast_Buds when will the winners be selected?
OldSchoolSouldercommented4 days ago
@LabiaMinora, Hope you get the hoodie you have been chasing. You have a few good poems to pick from.
Mateo513commented9 days ago
so did anyone win this one?😐
m0usecommented9 days ago
@Mateo513, we all won because we got to be apart of it....participation ribbons for everyone!
MrSour420commenteda month ago
@Fast_Buds @GrowDiaries Quote from m0use " It is creepy, dark, stupid, crude and sexual "contest theme" " From your fingers your picture. " DOING ILLIGAL THINGS JUST MAKES IT FUNNER" Back to the original Quote " It is creepy, dark, stupid, crude and sexual "contest theme" " Try and spin it any way you like YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE! I reiterate As a cartoon character she has never been portrayed as 24. In a live action film “Dora and the Lost City of Gold,” Played by an actress Isabella Merced Dora is portrayed as a teenager around 16 years old. All other ages are 6 yrs 7yrs 8 yrs and 10 yrs. It doesn't matter that it is a cartoon character it's still pedo in nature. Character Context: Dora is a character from a children’s television series called “Dora the Explorer.” She is depicted as a young girl, typically around 7 years old. The character is designed for a preschool audience and embodies innocence and adventure. Adult Behavior: The implication that a grown man finds illegal activities “funner” with Dora raises significant concerns. If an adult expresses enjoyment in engaging in illegal activities with a character who is clearly a child, this can suggest inappropriate thoughts or intentions towards minors. Pregnancy Context: The mention of Dora being pregnant adds another layer of complexity. In reality, a child like Dora cannot be pregnant, which makes this scenario even more troubling as it suggests an unrealistic and harmful narrative that could imply exploitation or abuse. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Engaging in or promoting illegal activities with minors is considered pedophilic behavior. Pedophilia refers to an adult’s sexual attraction to prepubescent children. If an adult implies that they enjoy illegal activities with a character who represents a child, it raises serious ethical and legal questions about their mindset and intentions. Cultural Impact: Such implications can contribute to harmful stereotypes and normalize inappropriate behavior towards children in society. It is crucial to address these narratives seriously to protect vulnerable populations. Based on these points, the implication of a grown man suggesting that doing illegal things with Dora—who represents childhood innocence—is “funner,” especially when combined with the notion of her being pregnant, strongly indicates pedophilic tendencies or at least an unhealthy fixation on children. In conclusion, this scenario does imply pedophilic nature, given the context of an adult finding enjoyment in illegal activities involving a character that symbolizes childhood innocence. @Fast_Buds Looks like you need to hire m0use for the head of your marketing. Should print up the image and put it on a shirt. Send it out to him for R&D he can wear it LOUD AND PROUD!
m0usecommenteda month ago
lol If you going to quote me do it right. ..."It is creepy, dark, stupid, crude and sexual "contest theme" It is funny if you can understand it Its dark themes are illegal in a lot of countries, Funny enough just like cannabis and people still do it. A disguising juxtapose if you will." .... The act of smoking cannabis is illegal in a lot of places but where is your virtue singling for that?? Ignore the facts that it is a joke and I did not create the image but pretend like I did bahahha Pick it apart all you want, you arguing that a fictional charter has rights like a real life human and they do not. They are not real. repeat after me "THEY ARE NOT REAL", You making comparisons to a live action movie does not matter. If I used the live action actress in the image, then yes, a bit of a problem with that. But I didn't so...?. Another exanple of how you don't really care, Geoffrey Dormer has had movies made after him and was featured in a few memes when Netflix released that special. But no one was up in arms over a murdering homosexual cannibal made into a meme. and that's got 2 big red flags and one rainbow one... Wonder if you write to all meme accounts and meta overloads when you see a meme that offends you as a cartoon. Pretty sure dr.greenthumb had weird issues with made up pedo shit, ringing a bell. Wonder if you are him. Legit google dora pregnant meme and go email all of them while your at it. but stay away from "lemon party" its to cool for you.
Master_Shillacommenteda month ago
Somebody's panties are lodged way up their crack making them all emotional. Yeah, GD, do something. This guy and his 5 fake and empty accounts are demanding it. Bet he's just antagonizing people so he can jam on that complaint button like a little bitch.
m0usecommenteda month ago
so were is all this "love" for the other content I created, its equally stupid and offensive, its a red headed "no soul" wizard and a creature "house elf" of the same sex getting knocked up. Bestiality?, Homo?, FTM? MTF? Underage? pedo? Fan Fiction? It's about pregnancy just like the other, its got queer themes and bestiality if elfs are beats? maybe interspecies? IDK wtf that would be classified as officially, House elfs are hundreds of years old.... Ron in the films is also underage for the most part "11 years old" at the first book/film, but guess because hes a man its fine for you??? Way to go and allow the male patriarchy to control you bigots. lol Its all made up, none of it real, its all in your head, its a fictional charter "not real" in a cartoon, you have better things to be doing with your time lol, also notice this is not dora's first kid as she has one in the backpack too, the word play is the humor, its designed to make you think pedo but its about weed as this is a weed smoking page and contest. Weed is illegal and fun. however their is some real world issues tired into it that makes its edgy and scary as fuck as it casts light on a real world issue that's a problem. Do a quick google with statistics on teen pregnancy in Latin America and tell me how I am the problem and not the ones doing "that". Its a satire dark humor, clearly lost in translation. Its ok, just shut your eyes and everything will be fine on the other side. I did not make the image it existed already and not from any shady part of the internet. its a meme from someone else so cry to them if you can't deal with it. As for the main two who are vocal on this, pengupoop and Mrsour420, pengu I think their is a massive language discontect going on, and this is why your so mad. Know that no one here is engaging in pedo shit. Mrsour420 is just a cuck troll that will be banned soon enough and is trying to stir the pot as that's what they do and all they do. no grows just sad existance of trolling. not shocked they came out of the woodwork, surprised its just them though. Maybe I'll make a new one so you can have more examples of dark humor.
m0usecommenteda month ago
DogDoctorOfficialcommented2 months ago
wow this may be fun , lets get this brains working and make soething romantic to our fast buds Girls 😍😍😍 i like this well done my friend , growers love and best of luck to all🙏🙏🙏
Krisiscommenteda month ago
I wasn’t even going to join this one, but just for you trolls, I did. Xoxoxo 💚💚💚💚💚💚
m0usecommenteda month ago
00110001001001111Ocommenteda month ago Whaaa, whaaa, whaaa... ffs... c'mon.
einamiocommenteda month ago
I would support m0use because he actually makes this community better and helps people and you only stir shit up and attack others judging by your activity feed. I guess that makes me a fake account and a pedo too in your logical world.
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