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Grower of the Month November 2023

Shipped by Sponsors
46 Growers participating
a year ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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Mrs_Larimarcommenteda year ago
@BerrySweetHigh,humm that would be nice, but in fact it is not so. if persons are dirks, they stay dirks no matter what or how much they smoke
m0usecommenteda year ago
Lets see some fair play and helpful advice. Don't get pissy if someone corrects your assumptions that have not been verified, learning is fun and should be encouraged. Good Luck 2 All! n' fuck the trolls n cheats!
Nicogreencommenteda year ago
@m0use,os den med 2500 dollars fra outdoor fastbuds, den der sku være færdig og afgjort for over 3mdr siden
Nicogreencommenteda year ago
@m0use, åhh elsker din tak age svar ven. Du ka forstå mig os. 💚 Og det med jeg bla andet står som de 10 vinder (5plads. L så VED JEG GODT DET IKKE BLIVER SÅDAN FOR DE IK STYR PÅ NOGET., feks skriver de. Til mig fra zamnesia os efter osten tog alt og måtte købe udstyr i stedet kones jule gave. Og mangler en 400 watt stadig!!! ❤️. Og de svaret bare håber du er i stand til at forsætte det er satme ik tilfreds når de ikk engang KAN GIVE MIG EN LAMPE OVER 2BETALINGER!! ER SATME SKUFFET
m0usecommenteda year ago
@Nicogreen, yes many people are loosing their shit in that contest, Its entertaining. person who thinks they should win is saying some crazy ass shit. as to be expected with a 1000$ first prize.
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BerrySweetHighcommenteda year ago
If we all had a bong, we’d all get along! 💚
Mrs_Larimarcommenteda year ago
@AsNoriu,they know 💚😁
AsNoriucommenteda year ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Your top 3 of biggest "dirks" here ? ;))))
Mrs_Larimarcommenteda year ago
@BerrySweetHigh,humm that would be nice, but in fact it is not so. if persons are dirks, they stay dirks no matter what or how much they smoke
MaltaHerbmancommenteda year ago
Today had time and read all the comments hehe keep calm guys weed help you to calm down. Its nice to win a weed contest but a weed contest ita not like this people showing hate speach to others. At least in this world of wars we at least as stoners can be more relax to each other. ❤️ from 🇲🇹
Mrs_Larimarcommenteda year ago
@MaltaHerbman, i agree its just a small group of trolls here , that are funking around in this special contest. and poisoning the same. i cant handle that and stay away. ppl who like to get help find me in direct chat
Storkcommenteda year ago
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
Best of luck guys <3 <3 <3 growers love to you all <3 <3 <3
BerrySweetHighcommenteda year ago
Congratulations to the winners! 💚
GrowerOGcommenteda year ago
i don't understand why this contest is the second one in which i tried to join and nothing happend, every time an error message came out. Someone could explain me?
AsNoriucommenteda year ago
@GrowerOG, i dont know, maybe you post some shitty grower plants and yourself do magic with your unposted grows ... otherwise you should learn and A LOT !
GrowerOGcommenteda year ago
@Hashy, thank you very much, now i understud :)
GrowerOGcommenteda year ago
@AsNoriu, You should be minus arrogant probably. I can have experience with cannabis outside this site for more years than you see. I think you must look better my dieries if you wanna talk about those!
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Tommy716commenteda year ago
Congratulations to all the winners. Great job! Enjoy your holidays however you May celebrate them