Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

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Best Video
  • Videos based around Growing Fast Buds Strains
  • Subtle videos: no cannabis leaves or flowers can be shown.
  • No obvious smoking in the video
  • No ‘risky’ words such as cannabis, weed, etc
  • 30 seconds-10 minutes long

Fast Buds Best TikTok Video Contest

Shipped by Sponsors
52 Videos participating
in 18 days

Calling all creative growers and enthusiasts! Showcase your skills in our new contest by creating videos that focus on the art and science of cannabis cultivation—without showing the full plant. Dive into the details with subtle and educational content, like:

Showcasing healthy roots and their growth techniques.
Highlighting seeds and their germination process.
Tutorials on creating finished extractions.
Educational breakdowns of growing methods and tools.
Grow space preparation: soil mixing, feeding regimens, etc.
Subtle Smoke/Strain/Growth reports.
Avoid showing the full plant to align with social media guidelines, but let your creativity shine in celebrating the craft of cannabis growing!

The options are endless, use your imagination and show us what you got! We've decided to use these videos on our TikTok account, so please keep their rules and regulations in mind when you create your videos!



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SmokingTikicommented3 months ago
@Fast_Buds Hi! Nice contest 😎 I have some questions about the allowed pictures. - Can we show very young plants? Like with one set of leaves and the cotyledons only? - Can we show leaves, pisitils or trichomes macro shots? - Can we show grinded weed? Is the idea to show only stuffs that non-growers cannot recognize or is it striclty forbidden to show anything related to leaves and buds regardless of what part you show?
Fast_Budscommented3 months ago
@SmokingTiki, @m0use I would avoid it where possible. We will be using these videos on TikTok and on Instagram, while Instagram tends to allow very young (like days old) sprouts, TikTok is much more strict. I believe we will also run another contest soon where everything is OK to show, that we will use for our YouTube channel, a much less strict platform (for the most part). But for this contest, we want as much subtlety as possible.
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m0usecommented3 months ago
@SmokingTiki, I want to say none of it given their official stance on cannabis. and given the fact they call it marijuana and not cannabis seems weird to me. I don't think it can be identified as weed and if it can, via person or AI it is likely against their TOS. I had my one weed pic removed from an old profile but it did not give me a warning or notifaction, just said it offended the comnity and was gone. Instagram's policy on marijuana sales Instagram doesn’t allow people or organizations to use the platform to advertise or sell marijuana, regardless of the seller’s state or country. Our policy prohibits any marijuana seller, including dispensaries, from promoting their business by providing contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, street addresses, or by using the “contact us” tab in Instagram Business Accounts. However, we do allow people to include a website link in their bio information.
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Brujo_grdncommented3 months ago
wow😎 again video contest)))💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 This is very interesting my dears)) I wish you all good luck)🙌
Fast_Budscommented3 months ago
@Brujo_grdn, Looking forward to your entries!!
SmokingTikicommenteda month ago
@Fast_Buds Hi, I'm unable to join this contest. When I click on "Join Now" I got the "shipping address" window where you have to accept the terms and conditions then I click on "Continue" but nothing happens. The pop-up where you can select a diary and a video doesn't show up. I'm facing the same issue with the other contests, like your meme contest where I already added some entries beginning of the month. I noticed that you have now a little rocket on the "Join Now" button which was not there when I was still able to join the contest. Could you please help me with that? Anyone else experiencing the same issue? Thanks! Edit: It works now.
SmokingTikicommenteda month ago
@Fast_Buds, I know but Growdiaries never answers to anyone here so I took my chance with you 😬
Fast_Budscommenteda month ago
@SmokingTiki, Awesome! Glad it's working for you, any future questions about technical issues with the site should be addressed to @growdiaries =)
ChitownCannaChicacommented3 months ago
Anyone having issues uploading the video? Keeps saying upload error. It’s an imovie
Fast_Budscommented3 months ago
Maybe try changing the format of the video? strange though, have you asked @growdiaries?
Fast_Budscommented2 months ago
Hi everyone! A quick update on this contest, were have changed the title in order to make the objective a little more clear! It was always intended to be used in order to generate content which could be used on TikTok and various platforms, however we thought a slight change to the title would clarify that more. The rules and description remain the same! Please be sure to keep TikTok's community guidelines in mind when creating your videos. We have also extended it to allow more time to create your entries! Good luck!
Splifficommented2 months ago
👍🤙👍🌱 Good Luck everyone!!
Newt_Loopcommented3 months ago
Free socks with every Fast Buds order! Remember to use code NEWTY42 to also save 15% on your order!
m0usecommented3 months ago
Woof social media guidelines are a bitch to deal with eh, almost need a full time PR/media manager now to abide by it all.
Nightqueencommenteda month ago
No matter what they do with the ideas, there's a pricepool, you like it or not and decide what you do with that. Nobody asked you to produce a video at all nor is that solely directed towards only you. So why not shut up and let people do. Obviously most of the videos listed haven't met the rules at all. Most- if not all- have a not professiional look to it. I myself still am unsure what's the exact goal here to be submitted, but honestly a bit creativity and thinking out of the box as well as an analyses of their branded content makes this a fun project. I think about it as a gate opener of another kind. Create a spec ad (that's an ad for a brand that doesn't asked for it, but you as a filmmaker want to attract similar brands). Don't see this kind of contest as something bad, I mean seriously, you could pull this of by even ask a gpt to create an Animation only on how to grow Broccoli only... and you would still win something, as what i saw so far barely matched any near no competition at all. Not even the need to have those fancy video skills you talked about. Sadly... As you see, the "value" you source from this isn't that price only, but the opportunities you get out of it.
m0usecommented3 months ago
@420Germany, I see a lot of things in the negative, so I get yea.. Some will says I'm an asshole on here cuz of it. I have been critical of FastBuds before and Grow Diaries because of how they run things here, or don't run them... or how they run somethings into the ground lol. Can only hope, not my company or contest and they are working within a limited scope of tools. Add on an iphone to all the first place prices and maybe we will get some better results. Also remember the win a ps5 for every month of the year and then it just disappeared. wonder what happened to that.
420Germanycommented3 months ago
@m0use, jeah u prolly right, i just dont want it do drift in the bad directions as im seeing it kinda negativly I guess.
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TherealNICOGREENcommented17 days ago
Nogle der har et par fif til mig
Fast_Budscommenteda month ago
Hi! Thanks to all who are entering, but please remember that no cannabis leaves or flowers can be shown in the videos. Keep that in mind for any future entries. We will most likely remove the entries that unfortunately don't qualify.
sunshinegrowwcommented2 months ago
Grat contest FastBuds 👌
PEAKYPLANTERScommented2 months ago
TGriner420commented2 months ago
It won't let me upload anything from my videos off my phone. I can only do videos from my grow diaries and I want to post a video of me making L.A.B.
Newt_Loopcommented3 months ago
15% off all orders from Fast Buds Website, use code NEWTY42 If you're nervous or on the fence about trying to grow Autoflowers and want to see the resilience of Fast Buds Autoflowers and how well they can bounce back from major stress, check out my Auto Tent #1 Diary feat. Blackberry Auto. Diary shows a photoperiod growers (myself) 1st time growing Autoflowers with all the shortcomings and successes along the way!