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m0usecommented7 months ago
I like how one of the diaries participating in this contest was uploaded all within the last 24hrs. All the weeks G-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-H in the last 24hrs. I wonder if it's of a plant that is really weedseedshops genetics, No packaging or anything in the diary.
To add to the controversy, its on a new account with no other history. No comments or interactions in its 2months of age just that one diary in the last 24hrs. Just smells fishy like a burner and a fake diary.
The other user seems more Legit despite their diary only starting on week 6.
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m0usecommented8 months ago
Another contest with store credit, not best but also not the worst if you love the brand... I guess. Just severely limits the amount of people who participate especially if they are not sending out demo seeds to participate. This seems to be the new norm. No one should have to buy anyone's product to have all the media they upload about it to be free marketing for the brand. Send out free seeds at the minimum.
The WeedSeedShop brand only has 31 Diaries on the site as of yet, I don't see this one popping off, much like the failed Cookies contest. the Cookies brand has 71 diaries on the site and much larger prize pool $ 3,350 vs $ 600 with WeedSeedShop and Cookies has a bit more a cult following it seems,
This is all still nothing compared to some of the powerhouses brands that have 1000+ diaries and cash/descent merch prizes They don't even need to try.
Side note, WeedSeedShop seems to be an off shoot brand of Sensi Seeds, Both are in the same area geographically same street and everything but 131 vs 141B unit numbers for HQ, and they all have the same web page layout. This is on top of While Label Seed Company also being an advertised sistering company officially to Sensi. Maybe Sensi is doing what Dinafem did back in the day and is being the official distribution/breeding network for them so its why everything is so similar. That would be cool.
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WeedSeedShopcommented7 months ago
Hey detective @m0use 😜,
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! We love seeing passionate discussions about the cannabis community and industry — it’s what keeps us all sharp. We know the community is a no-bullshit one, and we’re all for that.
We hear you on the contest setup. We’ve designed our store credit prizes to offer winners the flexibility to choose exactly what they want from our selection, without needing to spend a single dime. We would actually prefer this setup over merch/seeds that a seed bank wants to promote, but maybe we will actually do it that way in the future!
When it comes to the number of diaries, we may not be the biggest fish in the pond, but we're proud of our roots (literally and figuratively!). We’ve been around since 2010, growing step by step, joining GrowDiaries only two years ago. We might be small, but we're a passionate and dedicated team, and we’re in this for the long haul. We believe in quality over quantity, and it’s our amazing customers that help us continue to flourish.
And yes, we do share some resources with our friends over at Sensi Seeds, which is one of the ways we can keep our prices so low – it’s actually what makes us Europe’s Cheapest! But WeedSeedShop is very much its own brand, with its own team and spirit. We’re all about making sure our community feels appreciated and gets the best possible experience.
By the way, we regularly sponsor enthusiastic growers who want to test our strains, so if that’s something you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re always open to discussing potential partnerships!
So, while we might not be the biggest or flashiest, we’re here to offer great seeds at great prices. Your feedback helps us keep improving, so thanks again for speaking up!
The WeedSeedShop Team 🌱
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DeepWaterGrowercommented8 months ago
@m0use, thanks for these info, you're a great investigator
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MindFlowers68commented8 months ago
@m0use, Seriously it cost hundreds of dollars to complete a grow just in energy alone. Let alone what, 100 hours of time at least. I've had seed companies send me seeds just because they are cool, and liked my diaries.
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Zurban_Poisoncommented8 months ago
Am I the only one who hears about this company for the first time? I would like to participate but, but but.
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NearlyDeadGrowscommented6 months ago
@Zurban_Poison, Habe die durch zufall im netz gefunden und einige Seeds bestellt. Aktuell läuft ein Strain von denen bei mir Outside.
Seeds sind alle nach max 36std gekeimt und wachsen auch sehr gut

Gruenerfinger85commented6 months ago
@Zurban_Poison, nein mein Freund ich höre heute auch zum ersten Mal von der Bank.🤨
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WeedSeedShopcommented7 months ago
@Zurban_Poison Yes, it's just you! We've been around since 2010, so you must've been living under a rock!😜 All jokes aside though, we've indeed founded in 2010 but we haven't attended any fairs yet and we don't have a physical store, which makes us a bit more low-key than some of the big names. We're totally legit though and happy to address any concerns you may have!
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m0usecommented7 months ago
I like how one of the diaries participating in this contest was uploaded all within the last 24hrs. All the weeks G-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-H in the last 24hrs. I wonder if it's of a plant that is really weedseedshops genetics, No packaging or anything in the diary.
To add to the controversy, its on a new account with no other history. No comments or interactions in its 2months of age just that one diary in the last 24hrs. Just smells fishy like a burner and a fake diary.
The other user seems more Legit despite their diary only starting on week 6.
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m0usecommented4 months ago
@NearlyDeadGrows, I think its just a weird wording. Garden can be anything. Maybe it was listed like that so they could post it on other platforms without risk of getting banned for talking about cannabis. Been a new trend now with all the big companies Meta, Ticktok exct.
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NearlyDeadGrowscommented4 months ago
@m0use, my Diarie start at week14... because i had much problems with it... Then i only knew about this page when it whas week 16 i think.. This Competition i found in week18/19 or so...
And yes..about proofs. I have here the bill of the order and also the original parcel. And they also could ask for any proofs..
What i wonder is... They wrote "our strain in the "garden"...
So mean this: a Strain in the garden outside or not?
But yeah... Lets wait, i wish all good luck
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m0usecommented7 months ago
@Stormyluca, Hey if they accept that diary as a entry, power to yea, Just saying it looks a bit weird with all the trolls that exist on this web page. From my perspective almost always when we see new profiles that have little to no history "comments, previous diaries, interactions" jumping straight into contests and into GOTM of all contests its a fake account, its just the trend of this site. I could be wrong, Hopefully I am, but historically that is not the case.
The judges of this contest can decide if its legit, I doubt many others will join though so it might be to your advantage. Typically brands like to include a disclaimer saying fresh new diaries only 1-2 years old max but I don't see that with this one. So you might be in luck.
If you have any e invoices or receipts for the seeds I'd say keep em handy if they "judges" ask, do de-identify it if your name or address is present. I have all my shit in emails or on the account of the seed shop I purchased from just in case.
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SardusSwiftcommented7 months ago
First of all I am shocked by the „complaint-culture“ in this thread. Everyone wants free seeds yet they are posting things like „never heard of them…“ or „not legit if I don’t get free seeds“. Look, I have been growing this year again after a 23 year hiatus and in todays dealers I only know WeedSeedShop, SensiSeeds and the royal queen ones - so I have been ordering several times and never was I disappointed. Besides if you want free stuff: just order some cool seeds and you will ALWAYS find a little promo set of seeds or a „small present“ for surpassing a certain amount of cash….
So try them and grow!!! Don’t wait for life (or weedseedshop) to give you freebies - earn them or do the good work and the seeds will come to you ;-) best regards, Andy
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m0usecommented7 months ago
@AsNoriu, Their domain was only created in 2004 and matches their about is page. So how does someone "only know of them" after exiting a 23 year hiatus if they never existed when they grew, unless they kept up with the brands and market but that seems weird and unlikely.
Sensi "1992" has been aorund before their break but not WeedSeedShop "2004" & not RQS as they where somewhat founded in 2007 but did not have a store till 2010... so that's now two breeders they name dropped that did not exist before when they did grow?? Confused.
Also on an account that's 5 days old and has a weird single week diary up that's linked to a contest and that is their only interactions on this site as a new comer, just seems sketchy overall. More like a generic ass kissing in hopes of winning. But when did they grow that plant that is in their weird diary....?
If it was before their break 23 years ago it is 100% not weedseedsshop branded seeds as they did no exist.
If it was after their break then possible, but they look like old pics and why not have more pics? The kicker is in their review for the seeds, they said their break for was 25 years vs 23 like they said here/ so they were out of loop even longer potentially, They say in the review they don't know the strain name as they ordered 3, but lost track of how they labelled them given its their first modern grow... so they should have proof of purchase and seed packs if they didn't grow grow out all the strains in this single year they ordered them.. Would be curious to see that.
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AsNoriucommented7 months ago
@SardusSwift, 2024 - 23 = 2001
math in bought reviews never adds up .....
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AsNoriucommented7 months ago
@m0use, just to add some salt/heat and oil ;))))) :
Weedseedshop is listed as "green/yellow" at the SeedFinder. This means we can recommend this seedbank at all.
Up to 2009 this shop was selling overpriced seeds from Nirvana without telling the breeder. 2009 this shop was overtaken by Sensi Seeds. Now you can still buy seeds without an explicit specification of the manufacturer - but you will get them from a serious working company!
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Mateo513commented7 months ago
i see a lot of people complaining because this company won't just send them free seeds instead of making them earn it in a contest, lol sad😂 some people need jobs
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Krisiscommented7 months ago
@Mateo513, I think the issue is that when you’re an unknown brand.. people WITH jobs don’t like to spend their hard earned money on potential garbage. It seems the best way to get a reputation would be to have a contest with free seeds- then there’s many gaining interest and experience with the company. THEN .. people with jobs might buy their seeds all the time because they liked them.. or maybe not buy them because they sucked
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m0usecommented7 months ago
@Mateo513, They likely have jobs and just realize their time and effort is worth more then what is being offered here. The exchange of data/content for store credit while purchasing seeds is mid. The contests participants will showcase this fact.
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Mrs_Larimarcommented7 months ago
@Mateo513, less participants....better for ppl who participate
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Zeno63commented8 months ago
Habe ich noch nie von gehört. Finde als Promotion etwas schwach.
3 Monate Zeit , in Europa ( der Sommer ist fast rum )? Also indoor , dort sind aber die Stromkosten zum vergleich unserer US / CA um ein vielfaches höher. Und wenn ich dann auch schon nen Diary mache, soll ich auch noch die Samen selbst bestellen und bezahlen.
Ich glaube nicht, wünsche aber viel Erfolg :D
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SardusSwiftcommented7 months ago
@Zeno63. Ist eine Company quasi in einer „Bringschuld“ und muss Gratissamen versenden, sonst sind sie nix wert?? Das ist, was nicht stimmt mit den Leuten heutzutage. Wieso denkst Du, Du hättest irgendwelche Anrechte auf eine Belohnung in Form von Gratissamen, aber leistest absolut nix?!! Außerdem bzgl Stromkosten: heute anzubauen mit LED Technik etc ist ein Witz im Vergleichbzu früher. Ich meine, mein Growzelt frisst mit Lampen/Zu- und Abluft gerade mal 20€ pro Monat…
Abschließend denke ich, dass gerade dieses Jahr sehr viele Leute zum ersten Mal anbauen in D (Stichwort „CanG“), sieht man ja schon an den Preisen für Zelte und Lampen überall und gerade für Anfänger sind Autos, die in 2-3 Monaten zur Ernte kommen ja echt genial. Da steckst Du nicht 4 oder 5 Monate Pflege und Zuchterfahrung rein und dann verreckt Dir dir alles wegen Düngefehler oder Schnecken (im Outdoorbereich jedenfalls….
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WeedSeedShopcommented7 months ago
@Zeno63, We're sorry you haven't heard from us yet! That means you probably didn't search in google for 'günstige hanfsamen', because you will actually see us on position #2 for that. Our cheap but high-quality seeds is what we're known for, and we hope that more and more customers will realize that and spread the word.😊 Hence this contest! By the way - also grow diaries from the past 2 years can submit photos, it doesn't need to be a recent one. On top of that, it doesn't need to be finished - pre-harvest stages can also provide amazing pictures!
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Storkcommented8 months ago
Where are the free seeds ? After that you can promote :)
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WeedSeedShopcommented7 months ago
@Stork, With our current sale, you can actually grab 10 Amnesia seeds for 18 euros, 5 Super Skunk seeds for 13.80, and 3 WSS Skunk seeds for 5.73, to name a few. While those are not free exactly, it's pretty close.
And - shipping is free!
We're always open for partnerships though, so feel free to reach out if you'd like to grow for us 😊
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Mrs_Larimarcommented8 months ago
another " lost" Contest
let do some guessing how many are going to participate.
never heard or seen this brand
Iam guessing for aaa lets say 5 participants- because the timeline is very short too, so i correct myself and say
2 paricipants if the dont prelong the line
if they dont give away seeds for free
Iam blaming @growdiaries in first line, they should explain their customers better how to hold a contest and how to have the most success
the customer pay a good amount on money to be able to hold the contest
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m0usecommented4 months ago
I've picked my faves,
1) Stormyluca, 2) MaggieK825, 3) d4rkda/jCouck tie for third.
Wonder what the official outcome will be. Would have given MaggieK825 1st but their pic is blurry and not in focus.
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m0usecommented4 months ago
@GrowerOG, honestly no, I don't care to do GD job or the hosts. not surprised though.
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GrowerOGcommented4 months ago
@m0use, do you noticed that only 2 or 3 photos are from a true profile?😂
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Castiel1989commented4 months ago
Congrats to the winners.
Interesting is that it’s exactly what m0use picked. Either way…Well deserved
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m0usecommented4 months ago
@Castiel1989, lol I was also a bit surprised.

SlowpokeFuegobudcommented6 months ago
Heyy, Weedseedshop 😍, one of my first seed supplieres! Shame I didn't see this! Love Weedseedshop and had really nice flowers with their seeds!
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WeedSeedShopcommented6 months ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, Thank you for your kind words! :)

Robertscommented7 months ago
Good luck from across the pond. 👍🏻🌱🌱🌱
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Prilyfe13commented8 months ago
I may have mentioned this before with another contest, but with these "new" companies trying to get in the game, they should vet their contestants. Find good growers for now and send them an offer WITH "tester" seeds. That's just my opinion though. Start out with a test contest. See how it goes. Then jump in with something like this.
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Mrs_Larimarcommented8 months ago
and --- its open in uk and EU----
where in the EU is it legal to grow?
( iam talking about the disclaimer)
All participants must verify the legality of cannabis cultivation in their respective locations. WeedSeedShop cannot be held responsible for any legal issues arising from participation in this contest.
well its a disclaimer, and i dont think anyone will control that, #
otherwise only germans can participate?
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WeedSeedShopcommented7 months ago
@Mrs_Larimar, its more about where we can and can't send to :)
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McBubatzcommented7 months ago
@Mrs_Larimar, In Germany it is legal and in many other EU countries it is at least permitted, decriminalized or skillfully ignored when it comes to growing it. 😁
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Sadhuscommented8 months ago
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NearlyDeadGrowscommented6 months ago
Whats wrong with all of you?
If you dont like what WeedSeeds do then just dont read or participate!?! Its simple right?
Of course they give a "Store" Credit lol. if you are happy with your actual Run (Should be one of the Strains from WeedSeed),
then you should be more then happy to get a Store Credit lol.
If you not happy with the Strain from then, why do you run then at the moment a strain?
It is my first run with them, here in Germany.. It is very hard to grow "any" Strain here outside in Germany.
But all what i can say is that the Seeds are very good in my eyes. And im thinking to try few more from them.
And ofc they have not as much Follower or Diaries like the other ones...
They are "new" here(since 2021/2022 i think it whas).
Then they have very "cheap" prices, and what is it what we all think about "cheap" seeds? Yes exactly...Cheap=bad quality.
But thats not here for sure!
And yes i also got few "free" Seeds from some Brewers...And not a single one from WeedSeed.. but really? I have the bucks to buy some if i want some lol
And NOPE i dont get any "free"things to write this down here.
Kind Regards and Happy Grow to you all

NearlyDeadGrowscommented6 months ago
@AsNoriu, Yes it is ONE harvest since im am here. And now? Now should anyone a "pro" like you?Or some one else?
Should i upload now all harvest from me here? For what? To show i can grow a Plant? Wow thats amazing lol.
And with "all" do i mean, ALL the "pro" grower here who cry about this Competition. If you dont like it then dont do it.. Its still simple or not?
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AsNoriucommented6 months ago
@NearlyDeadGrows, why you decided to preach, while having one harvest under the belt ? Calling "all" is already stupid. Small research about company speaks more than any payed promotion.
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d4rkdacommented3 months ago
The price is still not arrived... and Weedseedshop didn´t answer my message.

Stormylucacommenteda month ago

MaggieK825commented4 months ago
Oh wow! Thank you! 😃😃😃

d4rkdacommented3 months ago
@MaggieK825, did you got your price? I´m still waiting 😠
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NearlyDeadGrowscommented4 months ago
Hey @WeedSeedShop are you Guys alive?
Would be so nice and great if you tell us who won and who not...
Seems you are now long time not active...
Summer is already over...And already very soon a new year ;-)

m0usecommented4 months ago
@NearlyDeadGrows, it does take on average about 2 weeks for any contest to finish and show winners then even another 2 weeks after that to ship prizes. Its not a fast process.
"garden" maybe be confusing but you also got to grow your own and that's way more reward then seeds. Plus there are always contests shipping out seeds in 23 we had ganja farmer, in 24' we had devine seeds. and if your in the sipping area of duth pasion they did this last 2 or 3 years as well. Can also ask any company for some samples in exchange for a diary. Good Luck next time.
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WonderWomanGanjaStarcommented4 months ago
What about the winners? The contest was closed 2 Weeks ago, then it was reopened for a few days? Whaaaat?? Can anyone see the winners?

NearlyDeadGrowscommented4 months ago
@WonderWomanGanjaStar, thats the Question here..
I already wrote growdiaries and also WeedSeedShop...
Just hope they dont Re-Open it again lol
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