Lots of time to get her in shape.
foliar spray = bad... plants absorb water through roots.. .they are made up of cells that are diversified for that function. Leaves are for solar panels, gas exchange, storage, et al., but not for absorption. I'm not beating you up. You simply did what was recommended, i'm sure. If there's any 'magic' in that foliar spray, it could be the cause too.
A good reason can cause a foliar spray, but not to apply water. Something to kill pests or microbial growth? Yeah, that can work well and should be considered in those contexts.
It requires a context in which the benefits outweight the many negatives of wetting your leaves. It's an opportunity for mold and fungus to take hold, and those things don't require much to thrive. Once colonized, it's difficult to get rid of it too.