That water causes all kinds of issues, as you may have noticed, lets step up the game and start using some pure tap water, ok?
After that the next step is getting at least a ph meter altho a ec meter wouldnt hurt you either.
Then start testing your water's ph, for soil let it sit at about 6.4ph. You may need a ph- and ph+ to change ur water's ph. Alternatively you can just buy bottled water that specifies in the label to be 6.3 to 6.5 ph and with a low ppm/ec.
The next step is you're gonna be using nutes, some root boosters and humic acid would be a great start along with a bottle of grow nutes and another of bloom nutes, (u can dm me if u want some nutrient recomendations, but green buzz has a great started pack with all of these and more included.
And i think that's about it. So lets take it slow and maybe start over a new plant while following the plan, and then check out if you can spot the differences between this plant and your new plant.
Be aware of cold temps, high winds, too much rain, etc, just don't let her get caught in too much bad weather, they like it sunny like in philadephia.