What is happening with this Cookies-Kush-plant?
The conditions are quite well:
Humudity: 50%
Light distance: 60cm
Light spektrum: 100%
This plant was set into flower 2 days ago.
Thanks for your help.
There will be people saying it's tobacco mosaic , but in my mind it's huge nitrogen toxicity, HUGE.
Pure phed water for 4-5 wet/dry cycles and she should bounce back.
maybe Cu deficiency? I cannot say sure at 100%.
as @AsNoriu said it could be caused by a N excess, if you follow the mulder diagram you can see that N excess could cause Cu/B/K deficiency
I'm thinking Potassium Deficiency. Not really sure (still a newbie) but you can search images of it and compare to your plant. more experienced people will help you better I think, wait for their answer before you do anything. Good Luck đ