
Hi! I have spots forming between the leaf veins. ...

Cannapprenticestarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi! I have spots forming between the leaf veins. Most are a red/rusty color and necrotic but a few are purplish red and still flexible like the healthy part of the leaf. The only affected leaves are near the top of the plant but not the very top either. Do anybody have an idea?
Week 9
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 5 years ago
@Cannapprentice I beleive the ph could come down a bit as your plants are lacking potassium and phosphorus I would also look at incorporating a pk booster into your feeding regime. Some strains are fine and will thrive on whatever you feed them and then there are some that require more of a boost during flowering. If you bring the ph down to 6.3/6.4 It'll be able to uptake those elements easier.
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Selected By The Grower
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 5 years ago
P-K deficiency. Stop the FloraBlend and increase FloraBloom to 2.5ml/l or 25ml/10l
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