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Red/orange starting in veins then spreading to leaves

Adkguerrilla44started grow question a year ago
Hey guys i wondering what this is,the veins are turning red then the leaves are getting rusty and curling and drying, i overfed so it might he lock out but theres so much myco and stuff in my soil it shouldn't happen but maybe it ,sorry the picture is shitty ill tr to get better
Incognitusanswered grow question a year ago
dark veins - I see this when i neglect to maintain my reservoir properly.. so are you leaving water out to "dechlorinate" or anything else that might allow microbes to flourish? clean my rez and it's better within an irrigation or two. Can't see anything well enough to assess health of leaves. Get a leaf symptom chart. It's simple to reference. "so much myco and stuff" will not prevent overfeeding. Knock that false perception out of your head. Myco isn't even 100% certain to be beneficial and in some contexts, like soilless nutes that are 100% plant ready when you buy them, likely useless. The amounts of P you find in a typical marijuana fertilization regimen is also toxic to the myco, lol. so many variables that demand actualy research to prove something is real and not marketing magic preying on feelings of people warped by their wants. possibly useful in soil grows but unlikely in soilless/hydro.
TheUk420Showanswered grow question a year ago
Hi buddy the picture is very hard to tell though the whole plant is rather pale in my opinion unless thats trick of camera i would think a intoxication though your leaves dont appear to be showing signs of an over feed. My advice give her a flush for a few days and then re evaluate :) best of luck :)