The Grow Awards 2025 🏆


Lemonhazeloverstarted grow question a year ago
I have biobizz grow, biobizz bloom, biobizz topmax, biobizz cal-mag, carob extract, terra aquatica root boster, greatwhite mikoriza and a microbial..Do u think there is a fertilizer i should add for my next grow? but it must be organic guys.
CRANKSTER_420answered grow question a year ago
Can't get more natural organic than starting with a great potting mix that will carry you until veg with minimal need to feed. I'm currently on my first grow in over a decade. And what worked then still working great now. I try to keep things simple and use as much local resources as possible. I use 💯 harvested rainwater as well. This, IMO, is essential for a more natural grow. It's what plants live and thrive on in the wild. Also nothing beats rainwater from a lightning storm. I try to keep that stock separate. Feel free to revisit my diary to see how it's progressed since you welcomed me. I do a lot of repotting to keep potting mix nutrients fresh and to avoid depleting them before the plant can utilize them. Germ - early veg I use straight ffof. Repot with mycorrhizal to help keep roots happy and healthy. Mid veg repot gets wiggle worm castings, bat guano & blood meal put into the mix according to the labels. Lots of good slow release nutes here and no worries of nute burn. Blood meal really gives a nice boost at this stage. With the final repot (about 2-3 weeks before flower) ammend top soil with bone meal. Bone meal provides an excellent source of carbon that will help retain the terps created throughout the process. During flower I like to make a custom tea using an fish tank bubbler in a 5 gal pot. Note*** Im not doing it with this grow because my wife threw away our bubbler that I thought we still had and I'm already out of budget. I do have Big Bloom from fox farms from a combo I found on Amazon, which is OMRI listed and it seems to be working just as well. But if you're curious... its a simple brew or you can experimenton your own. Think potassium and potash as everything else the plant needs is already in the mix. So normally I gather banana peels & charred hardwood from the fire pit and bubble (oxygenate) that for a week at minimum in a 5gal bucket filled with filtered rain water. You can enrich this simple bloom formula by adding algae and/or ground alfalfa sprouts. Just don't forget to ph balance the tea before feeding.
Terp1answered grow question a year ago
Acti-Vera und Alga-Mic von Biobizz würde ich noch für das Wohlbefinden der Ladys ergänzen - alternativ noch Rhino-Skin als Silicat von Advanced Nutrients.... Oder du steigst gleich komplett auf LivingSoil um. Da braucht es keine weiteren Zusätze, sondern nur noch pures Wasser und ab und zu mal ein wenig Kompost. :)
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ojetepelonanswered grow question a year ago
maybe a K supplement for the last stages of flowering will be good but you can go with the nutes you have already
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GanjaGeckoanswered grow question a year ago
Hi Bro. Aus meiner minimalen Erfahrung kann ich Acti-Vera von BioBizz echt empfehlen. Ich hatte es über kurze Zeit weggelassen und es fiel sofort auf. Acti-Vera hat viele Micronährstoffe wie: Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Baron, Molybdenum, und 0.01% Magnesium. BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding ist eine Mischung aus Huminsäuren, Algenextrakte, filamentösen Pilzen (Trichoderma Harzianum) und stäbchenförmigen Bakterien (Bacillus Subtilis) wird die Vitalität der Ladys nachhaltig gesteigert. Der Pilz Trichoderma Harzianum bekämpft Krankheiten, die andere schädliche Pilze verursacht haben. Indem er die Wurzelzone gesund und frei von Parasiten hält, verbessert er das Wurzelwerk. Das Bakterium Bacillus Subtilis führt einen Konkurrenzkampf mit anderen Erregern. Indem es diesen die Nährstoffe wegnimmt, werden Krankheiten auf natürliche Weise reguliert. Außerdem zersetzt Bacillus Subtilis organisches Material und macht dadurch wertvolle Stickstoffe sowie Phosphor für die Pflanzen verwertbar. Ich geb um sicher zu gehen Sticky Fingers von XpertNutrients dazu. Sticky Fingers ist ein pflanzlicher Resin und Terpene Enhancer. N-P-K 0-0-0 Ob das alles einen riesen Unterschied macht weiß ich nicht. Ich kann nur sagen das ich gute Erfahrung mit den Zusätzen gemacht habe.
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