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Lighting concerns:

Tonymofostarted grow question a year ago
Was wondering if I need to set the lights from 24 to 18hrs.??? Right now I have em on 24 and they r doin great. Can I leave em on 24 or should I set em at 18-6 hrs or 20-4 hrs..???
Week 2
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
There is nothing stopping you from running them at 24/0 I'm not a fan of it and think along the same lines as others saying plants need rest, 18/6 is my ideal. plants do things in that down time, its not like they shutdown and power back up in the light. Also waste less hydro, 24/0 is a long time and will lower yours lights life before it starts to fade.
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Selected By The Grower
Trichom420CZanswered grow question a year ago
plants need night, you can have 20/4 od 18/6
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question a year ago
"Bro science" is a poor label. The bro era is definitely a product of the 2000s. Most of the info labeled as such came out of the 80s and 90s.. dude science would be more appropriate lol. Would love to hear the definition for "ghetto science"....is that science that was shunted off to undesired areas like next to industrial zones to protect the property values of "more respectable science"? All I know one of us is just reporting personal findings while the other is proclaiming "the way" and disparaging any questioning of it. One sounds alot more scientific to me
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question a year ago
Looking at hours only is missing half the picture. You can't make a determination with hours alone. It's like asking.. "you are on a train going 100mph. How long does it take to get to next destination?" and never gives the distance to get there... impossible to answer, like this. You can get 'there' through trial and error and using the resulting internode length as a guide -- too short, needsless... too lanky, needs more light. However, read up on DLI. This will give you a smaller window to start in, but still needs that same trial and error. Much easier to figure this out if starting near optimal instead of blindnly stabbing in the dark until you find it. The wiki is enough to get the gist. It's a rate of photons x hours of operation = moles of energy in photons received. the plant can only handle so much per 24 hours period and varies by environemtn, primarily atmospheric CO2. It doesn'tmatter if it receives this "DLI" over 12, 16 or 24 hours... though there is likely a benefit to having "some" dark period, fwiw. your light produces X umol/s -- this is a rate like mph or kmh. Divide that by area in meters-squared. this gives you waht is called PPFD. This allows apples to apples comparison of intensity of light regardless of garden size. Now reference a DLI table (easily found in google image search). What hours of operation result in 35-40 DLI? This is a good target for atmospheric CO2. Over 18h, i happen to know 500-600PPFD is roughly the range you want (common hours of operation). It is 1:1 inversely proporitonal to hours of operations. 25% longer means you have to drop power by 20% ( verified with this math -- 0.8 power * 1.25 longer operation = 1 or same energy as before) A little less fine to. But, anything much lower than ~25 DLI is going to drastically effect density of produced buds. Higher DLI = greater yield, too. Daily Light Integral... this is the proper way to understand how much light to apply. It'll get you there faster... Still takes trial and error along with observation of plant growth, just as any other method does. Overdosing with light is just as bad, if not far worse, than overdosing with fertilizers... More is not always better. More can potentially stunt your plant and fuck things up, if doing so blindly. Make an educated decision and the plant still dictates what you have to do - Simply watch resulting growth patterns. Avoid lanky or stunted growth.
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Organomananswered grow question a year ago
I have my pitchfork at hand! NEVER grow at 24/0.........it is completely abnormal and ALL cannabis plants NEED "sleep" for a properly functioning metabolism and proper health. 18/6 is optimal, you will not achieve anything much more by giving them more light.......except a larger electicity bill. Cannabis can only grow so much during any one 24 hour period and this gowth tops out at around the 18 hour mark, meaning running your lights longer than 18 hours is largely a waste of electricity. This fact is science based, not "bro/ghetto" science. Apat from wasting electricity, give your plants the love and respect they deseve and give them the "sleep" that they NEED and their health will benefit fully. Nothing in Nature has ever evolved to live for days/weeks/months without "sleep"!
Storkanswered grow question a year ago
All depend on your tent, if 24h is to hot inside lower it till 20 and so on till 16h.. you need to create the perfect temp inside for the day and night 🌙 just do not pass more then 40DLI 🍻
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question a year ago
You gotta be careful talking about 24hr lighting on here....some of these folks dig out the pitchforks over that kinda talk. Ranks right up there with defoliation lol. I've ran both photos and autos under 24hr light with no issues. If there's any "danger" it's overfeeding nutes since they will take up more. Easy solve running your feeding a little more dilute.
FraFra__frankenstoner_Two_days_in_a_dayanswered grow question a year ago
If it is automatic, you can leave the light on 24h on the first two weeks. I think it helps at the beginning, to grow big and healthy. After those two weeks, you should change to 20h-4h for two more weeks. If the plant is a "normal" you should change in week 4 to 12h-12h. Happy growing.