
How can I fatten her up?

WeirdoTstarted grow question 10 months ago
This is Gorilla candy autoflower and has about 8-10 weeks from seed to harvest. Not doing too well I’m currently on week 6 well this Friday would make 6 weeks to be exact.How can I fatten up her? Last time I fed her was week 3 I’m currently using Gaia Green nutrients.
Grow_for_Happinessanswered grow question 10 months ago
She's looking pretty good for only 2 weeks of flower 👍 I find you usually see them start to fatten around week 4 flower. I used Gaia Green for a year or so, I found it was best to top with Power Bloom every 3 weeks once flower starts, for heavier feeders every 2 weeks. Some Superfly is also great during flower.
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Selected By The Grower
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 10 months ago
keep it healthy and happy.. compared to that as a baseline, there is no product out there that can make any signfiicant impact on yield and especially quality. either the genetics and how many mouths the plant is feeding will dictate whether or not it grows donks. assuming same size plant as far as photosynthesis potential and all other factors the same. whether you have 12 colas or 9 colas in that space will make a difference in the size of the cola. the yield will be relatively the same. Photosynthesis potential equates to yield potential.. how it is distributed on the plant comes down to training and pruning -- assuming you don't lop off too much. common sense needed. 2 colas per sq ft.. i often go over this and regret it... gotta be able to see 3-4 weeks down the road when making such decisions. Looks like you removed a ton of leaves, because they are all fairly small and you have huge gaps in your canopy all over. You hurt your yield be doing this.
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Hashyanswered grow question 10 months ago
The main bulk is done in the last few weeks. Breeders kinda over exaggerate the times on seeds.
EaRtHanswered grow question 10 months ago
I'm surprised that she's not showing any deficiencies so long without feeding. However, that's good sign. I think if you give her proper bloom fertilizer and some Cal-Mag she will get more fat. However, she still has some weeks left, so don't worry ✌️
Elpatron_16answered grow question 10 months ago
Kızının genel bir sıkıntısı gübrelemede biraz aşırıya kaçmışsın ve biraz tatlı stres yaşıyor. Bu seviye onun hızını kesmiş olsada frene basmamış. Otolar stresi sevmez. Gübrelemede elini biraz daha korkak alıştır. Kolaylıklar dilerim
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CZ420CZanswered grow question 10 months ago
Hey there, I see flowering is 8weeks - Wait patiently, give her some love and she will give it back to you.😉