
Short autoflower - any ideas?

Frnikolastarted grow question 5 months ago
It's day 30 and my auto (sat. dominant) is quite small and bushy. She already started flowering but im wondering if there's any hope in streching her? She's 30cm from the light source so maybe i should move her a bit away? Should i try LST or defoliating her?
Hashyanswered grow question 5 months ago
From about day 25-30 is usually when autoflowers kick into gear and start stretching. Your node spaces look quite tight which means your light could be a bit intense for this stage. I'd raise the light a fraction and see if she starts growing taller.
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 5 months ago
probably still got some vege growth left, but there's not much you can do to make a short plant change its stripes. like someone else said, may have limited it with your pot size -- at least if it is a soil grow. a soilless medium can produce large plants with smaller volumes in comparison to soil. Think hashy is right.. little less light might be good.. and if it bounces back may need to ramp up slightly again, but not as high as before. just watch and react to stretch.
CZ420CZanswered grow question 5 months ago
hang light higher, just wait. Watch my from 25cm by 1week to 48cm and today 62cm, they growing mad and wasnt stop.
RedArmC3POanswered grow question 5 months ago
1- what is the strain? 2-the pot in a pot seems a bit small. How much gallon the actual pot is? 3-are you feeding organic or synthetic? If organic, the pot is too small. At this point , I would unpot it to see what is going on at the root system. My 2cents.
OrganicLivingSoilanswered grow question 5 months ago
Autoflowers actually flower when they reach the edge of the pot.. So it makes sense that they have started flowering, next time use a 5 gallon pot. In have flowered autos in 1 litre pots before and had lovely buds, but where tiny plants at 8 inches tall.. my autos in 5 gallon (22.5litre) pots where 1 metre tall.. i have also had 2 metre autos.. it depends on pot size.