
growing without grow tent

free_babystarted grow question 4 months ago
is it possible to grow without a grow tent, if so any tips for a new grower
Titocatanswered grow question 4 months ago
of course. you can grow in wide open space but that would effect effectiveness of both light and odour control (if an issue) - ive got a few plants just now in cupboards, if you can or have use mylar or something similar to reflect back the light acting like a tent... white neutral paint does the same. neither necessary but would help space buckets - google it, check out how they go and you can tweak it out for something that works for you, doesnt even need to be a bucket, could be folded up cardboard whatever insulated... options are truly endless, you are only limited by your own limitations however, the downside to no tent is light leaks and not maximising the coverage because light is lost to fresh air. depends on various factors, size of your pot, genetics, light source to determine how much space you'll need, but short answer yes you can. colder climates you'll have more difficulty, might i suggest an auto if you go this route. regardless, have fun
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Hattiwattianswered grow question 4 months ago
Matte white is not reflective as mylar. 15-20% better on mylar. I think thats something.
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 4 months ago
forgot to say a white paint with highest RGB values (usually 3 hexidecimal values listed on paint can, you want closest to FF:FF:FF you can find) you can find will do fine too. white matte paint is just as effective as polyfilm and mylar.
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 4 months ago
Sure, but you get about 20-25% more photons hitting plant with some reflective walls, though. can probably give a bit more power from light without walls and not damage plant but also costs a bit more electricity too. or, just chalk it up as a small loss and not worry. buy some panda film (polyfilm et al.. same product - black and white plastic for gardens and such). Rig up some sort of moveable walls or wahtever.. cheap bamboo frame and wrap it around etc.. lots of choices. mylar is another option. something 'stamped' vs smooth .you want light to spread out and not a mirror-like surface. i regularly leave my vege tent open, but still ahve 3 walls. If less concenred about rate of growth, i'd have no concern about using a tent or anythign similar. Had a bare tent frame up for some mother plants at a times. Tent requires exhaust and more equipmenet to maintain the environment. Open air just need a little circulation. so that is a benefit of no tent. The other issue to worry about is for photoperiods only... to flip to flower you need uninterrupted 10+ hours of darkness.. 12 hours is safer as a few plants may require mor than 10hours. 13/11 works on nearly all plants too, but 12/12 is safer. I've never had a plant not flower on 13/11, but only a handful of times have i bothered- -- context of a slightly weak light can gain 8% more per day with 1 more hour (1/12th more ~8% more light per day) no reason to do it unless you are using a weaker light than you should. So as long as you can keep it pitch black for photoperiod flower phase, all is well.
whenindoubtsmokeitoutanswered grow question 4 months ago
Yes, it's absolutely possible to grow cannabis without a grow tent. While a grow tent provides a controlled environment and makes it easier to manage factors like light, temperature, and humidity, you can still successfully grow cannabis using other setups. Here are some tips for growing cannabis without a grow tent: 1. **Choose a Suitable Growing Space**: Select a location in your home or outdoor area that receives adequate sunlight or where you can provide artificial lighting. Consider factors such as privacy, ventilation, and access to water and electricity. 2. **Lighting**: If growing indoors, you'll need to invest in suitable lighting fixtures. Options include LED grow lights, fluorescent tubes, or high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights. Ensure that your plants receive the right amount and spectrum of light for each stage of growth (vegetative and flowering). 3. **Ventilation**: Proper airflow is crucial for healthy plant growth and to prevent issues like mold and mildew. Use fans or an exhaust system to circulate air and remove stale air from your growing space. If growing indoors, consider installing an intake fan and exhaust fan to maintain optimal airflow. 4. **Temperature and Humidity Control**: Monitor and regulate the temperature and humidity levels in your growing space. Aim for temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night. Keep humidity levels between 40-60% during the vegetative stage and lower (around 40-50%) during flowering to prevent mold and bud rot. 5. **Growing Medium**: Choose a suitable growing medium based on your preferences and experience level. Options include soil, coco coir, or hydroponic setups. Ensure that your chosen medium has good drainage and provides adequate support for plant roots. 6. **Nutrients and Watering**: Provide your plants with the necessary nutrients by using a balanced fertilizer specifically formulated for cannabis. Water your plants as needed, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings to prevent overwatering and root rot. 7. **Training and Pruning**: Consider using low-stress training (LST) techniques to control plant height and promote even canopy growth. Prune your plants as needed to remove large fan leaves and encourage better airflow and light penetration. 8. **Pest and Disease Management**: Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests or diseases and take appropriate measures to control infestations. Use organic or chemical treatments as needed, and practice good hygiene to prevent issues from spreading. 9. **Harvesting and Drying**: Harvest your plants when the buds are mature and the trichomes have reached the desired level of ripeness. Hang your harvested plants upside down in a dark, well-ventilated space to dry slowly. Once dried, trim the buds and cure them in glass jars to improve flavor and potency. By following these tips and adjusting your approach based on your specific growing conditions, you can successfully grow cannabis without a grow tent. Remember to research and educate yourself about the growing process, and don't hesitate to seek advice from experienced growers or online communities for additional support.
VanTheMananswered grow question 4 months ago
i started out with a corner of my tiny appartment. i put to white wooden boards up on the sides. i had a ali express 20watt lamp back then and my results werent good. You can definitely grow without a tent but you will have a hard time preventing the smell to get noticed by neighbours. i would recommend growing in a pot of atleast 10L size, with good drainage. Dont overdo it. you are growing weed not orchids 😉 Have a look at some of the many great diaries on here, there are piles of great information on this site 😍 Good luck with you ladies 👽
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