

dzk_23started grow question 4 months ago
My plant has been flowering for almost 4 weeks and hasn't stopped growing, what i can do? the grow size is small 😁 a few pistils
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 4 months ago
Should slow down soon. Vege growth continues for 4-5 weeks, and sometimes longer after flip to 12/12 schedule. if you have to, HST the taller colas down to the same level as rest of canopy.. or if it;s the whole canopy, level it out in a consistent way across entire canopy. this sort of thing is unavoidable unless you are growing clones of plants you are familiar with.. can never assume what will happen from a seed you've never grown.. even same strain can have large variances in growth patterns. If you've grown them before it helps, but only with clones will you know for sure and be able to plan accordingly with some extra training beyond flip to 12/12. Some plants are better off if you continue to train them for 7-10 days.. keep them at a lower stature and then let them grow vertically 7-10 days after flip. Big stretchers need more training or you end up HST'ing the canopy. hst is simple .. seems scare buy no big deal. Grab the stem with thumb up along it. Gentely press thumb while you have stem well-secured in grip.. the moment the stem snapps without severing any of the tissue, stop. May need to support it the first 24 hours, but after that you'll more likely have to tie it down to prevent it from trying to "course-correct" and shape itself back upward.. which defeats the point of the hst. They recover quickly.. if oyu do it right, the leaves won't even wilt the first day. Minimum damage necessary to make it bend 90 degrees.. it'll pinch at sides of the stem. It'll be hard knot at bend within 2-3 days. Do this all the time with big stretchers and have no issues.. neither do most others... a more sensitive plant may pop a pollen sac, but that's always a risk when training a hermie-prone plant. So, do inspect a bit, but don't worry.. it should be very rare and likely already an issue for any number of other stressors that happened before. Some plants are weak in this regard.
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whenindoubtsmokeitoutanswered grow question 4 months ago
that s perfectly ok, she is stretching. If your cannabis plant has been flowering for almost 4 weeks and continues to grow vigorously, despite limited space, there are several techniques you can employ to manage its size and encourage optimal bud development: Low Stress Training (LST): Implement LST techniques to control the height and shape of your plant. By gently bending and securing branches, you can encourage lateral growth and create a more even canopy. This will help maximize light penetration and promote bud development across the entire plant. Super Cropping: Super cropping can be used to reduce the height of your plant while also promoting bushier growth. By carefully bending and pinching the main stem and larger branches, you can encourage the plant to redirect its energy towards lateral growth and bud production. Be sure to support any branches that may become too heavy after super cropping. Scrogging (Screen of Green): Consider implementing a screen or netting to create a horizontal canopy and manage the height of your plant. As the plant grows through the screen, you can train the branches to spread out evenly, maximizing light exposure to all bud sites. Scrogging is particularly effective for small grow spaces where vertical height is limited. Pruning and Defoliation: selectively prune away large fan leaves and lower growth that are blocking light from reaching lower bud sites. However, be cautious not to over-prune, as this can stress the plant and affect bud development. Focus on removing only the most obstructive growth to improve airflow and light penetration. Manage Nutrients and Watering: Ensure your plant is receiving the appropriate nutrients and water levels for its stage of growth. Avoid overfeeding, as this can contribute to excessive vegetative growth. Instead, focus on providing balanced nutrients tailored to the flowering stage to support healthy bud development. By combining these techniques and closely monitoring your plant's growth, you can effectively manage its size and encourage optimal bud development within your small grow space. Remember to adjust your cultivation practices as needed to accommodate the specific needs of your plant and ensure a successful harvest.
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Hashyanswered grow question 4 months ago
Start bending the colas, try not to snap them like I have done on numerous