just need a couple nodes, but better to have a few more than minimum. the stuff pointing down will definitely turn toward the light and grow vertically. whether or not it'll still be decent is a judgement you'll have to make.
better to take a clone with 5-7 nodes, they say.. but i took 15 small ones with 3-4 nodes and all have rooted within 2 weeks, so must not be a major hinderance.
you can take a clone off a branch, and if there still remains enough nodes below that, could take a 2nd one off that same branch, lol...
bury a stem or otherwise keep it dark, keep it moist, it'll grow roots.... check out those rootball things you can attach directly to a live plant... can have a clone growing roots before you even remove it from the 'mother' plant. The plant simply does it as a reflex. nothing special about it.
if in a cold climate i would suggest a heat mat. if substrate can be a bit on warm side, it promotes root growth from cuttings. not much of a need for heat mat if that happens on its own.
read up on cloning, but i suggest keeping it simple as possible to form a good baseline. then as ayou try the various gimmicks out there, you can compare it to something. you need more than a handful of clones to form a baseline. strains may have drastically different timeframes to root.
I like to take a branch off plop it in a cup of water as i look for more cutting opportunities. this avoids embolisms forming. You want to minimize how much an open cut is exposed to air. If you have a razor blade, a sharp blade is better than using pruners for the next part, but i just use the pruners and does okay too. Cut bottom of stem on 45-degree angle .. a safe length below a growth node so as not to damage the node. stick it in a pre-formed hole and tamp it down securely.
A humidity dome or an area that can maintain a high humidity. you want to reduce transpiration greatly while forming roots, which takes a week or more. air it out, but keep it high. you'll see cuttings get droopy when you first take them, but within a short time in high humidity, they'll regain their turgidity and straighten up.
keep substrate moist.. don't let it dry out quite like a typical irrigation procedure. with no roots, cannot have that lower portion of buried stem get dry or the cutting will die. so, likely to get some alegea on top at times.. maybe a little fuz. i knock this off into trash as i transplant later on. it'll only be superficial. Don't touch them.. don't fiddle. air out the dome 1-2x a day... if you bounce them around you risk damaging some fragile hair like roots or dislodging stem from moist substrate etc... agitation to doesn't help at all.
use root hormone or not... relative to any gentic factors, might save a day or two of time... in my context, this 2 days saved provides zero benefit and still same success rate without the sometimes expensive root hormone. but the generic with same exact active ingredient.. don't overpay for this. X% indole-3-butyric acid is X% indole-3-butyric acid.... no grades of quality here... either it is or it isn't that molecule regardless of brand name.
hydro cloners are expensive, but probably the fastest.. again, if speed is not key, invovles more daily work.. gotta keep that reservoir clean. every three days i have to add some water to the seedling pots by comparison.. takes less than 2 minutes with 15 cuttings...
Weak light is all you need in the first week or so. There is insignificant cost savings by shaving a day or two off of the process. you see them start to park up and leaves growingslightly, you know roots have started to form and to slowly amp up the light. Some palign is fine, but early on this tells you the roots are not keeping up with the amount of light you are giving... so it sucks teh leaves down. A little of this is fine, maybe even a good thing. you don't want to kill the leaves, though. so if it progresses too fast, reduce light.. shouldn't see this until you start to amp up light... should be weak while the cutting has 'nothing'... little nubs form first, then root hairs.. this doesn't happen overnight, so it's basically a barren stem buried for the first week for all intents and purposes. baby it.