the single bladed leaves are often fugly like that, so no worries, but what's happening with new growth is alarming.
says coco, perlite and some sort of vericucompost portion... which would contain unknown amoutns of nutes, i'm guessing? possibly some ph issues... lots of uncertainty.
your water habits may be at fault too. if this is more like a soil substrate, water to ensure the entire things gets wet - a little runoff is fine but you don't want ot leach off what your compost is supposed to add, as that is contradicting behaviours. wait for top 1" to dry and repeat. easy-peasay, Though with your substrate, you probably need to re-irrigate when the top layer starts to change colors as the coco base won't have the same water capacity of a typical soil. How often you add fertilizer depends on concentration you prefer to feed at. This will cause a variance in water-only irrigations in between to make it all even out over time.
if this is being run as soilless, then fertilize everytime with minimum 10% religous runoff, wait for top layer to try and repeat.
key here for both.. no dry pockets. You don't pick the volume needed. The water capacity of your substrate and timing of your irrigation dictate how much water you need.
don't say to yourself "i treated them all the same" clearly that plant, in that put doesn't give a fuck about that perception
:P hope it's nute-related vs genetic, but not enough info to guess properly as to cause. i'm guessing rootzone issues from bad irrigation behaviour or something in that compost that's funky / out of proportion.