m0useanswered grow question a year ago I;m not a fan of 50% amber trichomes, thats some serioud couch lock weed. I like mine aorund 5% amber.
Good to use pistils, trichomes and density of the weed as indicators if its ready.
aorund 60-80% of pistils are dried back and turned from white to yellow/ornage/pink/red depending on the strain. looks like yours are orange.
good mix of trichomes. mostly cloudy with some amber and some clear.
solid density of buds. this can be misleading if you have a plant that makes airy buds. but if it no longer growing much its likely time.
looks like your plant was not grown under grow lights and just did its own thing near a window, I think you could get another week or two out of it. make sure its not getting overwatered and it should do just fine.
Good Luck!