
Severe Yellowing During 3rd Week Flower

Loudstarted grow question 5 months ago
I am in 3rd week of flower and I am once again having issues with yellowing and leaf tip burn on my purple kush plant. This is my first grow and I am attempting a mostly organic grow. I have been doing better lately with the watering and organic feeding, I think my plant dying :(
LSchnabelanswered grow question 5 months ago
You said mostly organic so I assume you are still dabbing in bottled nutrients. Might want to hit her with a bit of nutrients for a fast application. Unfortunately, if your plan was to top dress then it would take too long to have an effect. Also like others have mentioned, test your light PPFD at the top canopy. You could be giving your plants too much light.
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Selected By The Grower
Snazuranswered grow question 5 months ago
she looks hungry for a bit of everything!?! can u make a home brew tea with lots of good stuff like earthworm castings bit of molls to get all those good things going in soil,, im in dwc but I know if u fail to feed soil it will fail ur girl... good luck but I really think u can bring her back!!!
KikiMinnekannabisanswered grow question 5 months ago
What is your lighting set at? We learned the hard way and discovered we had ours set at too high of intensity. We're almost to harvest and still only running the lights at 70% and they're now attached to the top of the tent bars with velcro.
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