Probably followed the instructions of AN, lol.
if going soilless good to understand each individual nutes ppm... or weighted ratios of nutes by % -- both can get you to the same ends.
the brand ofnutes doesn't matter one bit, so find the cheapest that provide a full diet. soilles nutes (coco included) just have to be 100% soluble and 100% plant-available. These are the same type of fertiizers used in hydroponics, too.
NPKCaMgS ppm --
That's a lower starting point.. maybe 1.3EC give or take. In flower, can drop N to 110ish. Regardless, have to observe plants because genetic variance and environmental variables will cause variation.
weighted average of american labeling standards and anywhere else that uses the same is 1-1-2 npk and 4-2-1 K-Ca-Mg .. i find marijuana needs a bit more magnesium than that, but otherwise the above ppms come from very similar ratios.. again, these are even more ballpark ideas than the ppm above. Meant as a good starting point from which to adjust based on observations. Any issues will be small and slowly progressing so you can be patient and confident about the reaction/adjustment to them. take notes and avaoid the problem the next time.
there is very little difference in needs from vege to flower. plenty of studies show that overdosing p and k does nothing for yield. The plant still needs a good bit of nitrogen despite the cessation of stem elongation and leaf growth. N is needed for all cellular growth.. even dna has N in it.. can't replicate any cell without more N. If you really gassed it in vege with N you may need a larger drop off in bloom. Accumulation will impact need.
The bottom line is that it is not foie gras. You cannot force feed a plant. It's metabolism, as defined by gentics and local environment, cannot be circumvented.