If the specs are accurate it's a high efficacy light... Looks to have a good enough heat sink from pictures. Should be rock solid if the information is accurate.
1 thing to consider:
Strip/bar style of light frame vs Quantum Board (QB - this light is a "QB"). you get better light distribution with strip/bar style frame of light... but i wouldn't overpay for this feature. It should not cost more. Again, QB work great, too, but of what is out ther is less optimal by comparison in a measurable way -- less so for smaller grow spaces. Seems to be a far more premium price for lights in europe compared to usa. 1USD per watt (i.e. 250 usd or less for this light) for a high-end light is typical in USA.
About accuracy of information:
Are the specs accurate? This is always a maybe. For this light it says it uses samsung chips. Are the "LM301" or some lesser sammy diode? Also, that's only 1/2 the picture. IF these diodes are run hotter than the testing specs at samsung com, you get less efficacy than stated and shorter lifespans than 50k hours stated (90% of original intensity is the measurement here, "L90") So, if it is the better LM301 option, then to reach the efficcy they came (710 umol/s / 250 watts = 2.84 umol/J) you need the proper amount of diodes. Divide watts by total # of diodes and if it's much different than 0.20 wats per diode, it's likely a lower efficacy than stated.
Some manufacturers are very dubious... but comparing to spec sheet of corresponding diode moedl on the original manufactuer's site will usually out any bullshit from a light manufacturer.
If it is not the lm301 or variant of it, there's no way it's reaching 2.84 efficacy and also increases the chance they are lying about something else important, too
So, put a little research in.. contact seller for diode count if they don't give it etc etc.. compare to samson.com spec sheet for that model of diode... make sure whatever diode they use is runnign them at the same watts per diode as the original manufacturer's spec sheet. watts / diode count.. easy way to double check for bullshit. each diode type may have different power operating ranges.. LM301 i am familiar with.. .2watts per diode is how they test them. or was it .25, lol.. okay probably better you double check tha ttoo but .05w difference is okay... if oyu see .35-.50w/diode for lm301, that's mid-to-lower range efficacy... 2.3-2.5 and that directly corresponds to higher cost of electricity to provides name amount of light per day.